Chapter 14: Hospital

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    I blinked a few times as I awoke. The bright lights stung my eyes. In fact, my whole body hurt. Thought my stomach hurt the worst. The sheets that covered me were white and scratchy, unlike the luxurious sheets from the hotel. I looked around and immediately recognized my surroundings as being a hospital. I was in the hospital. It hit my like a tonne of bricks that I was in hear because I passed out from all the alcohol, but who had found me.

    Kimi walked into the room holding a cup of coffee. He had his other hand in his jean pocket and his hair was a mess. I recognized he was wearing the same outfit I had last seen him in. I felt ashamed for him to see me like this. He always though I was out of control when it came to drinking, and that is saying something coming from a Fin.

    “Were you the one who found me?” I asked. I was surprised my how much my throat hurt. I hadn’t noticed it until I spoke. Kimi noticed and handed me the cup of water from my bedside table. I gratefully drank it.

    “No.” he mumbled.

    “Oh.” I spoke more softly this time.

    “Seb did. You weren’t responding to his text and when he knocked on your door and you didn’t answer. He had the manager open the door. He found you surrounded by empty bottles.”

    “Why am I here?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

    “You got alcohol poisoning from drinking too much. They brought you here and pumped your stomach. You’re lucky Sebastian found you, you could have died.” He was angry with me.

    “I know.” I whispered.

    “You worried me Heidi.”

    “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t look him in the eyes.

    “Did you want to do that to yourself?” he asked.

    “What do you mean?” I asked confused.

    “Kill yourself? Were you trying to kill yourself Heidi?” He was sad.

    “No.” I shook my head. “I felt out of control. Like I wasn’t myself and all I saw was that bottle of wine and I wanted to drink until I couldn’t feel at all… I guess I did.”

    “Please don’t do that again.” He softly ran his hand through my hair.

    “I won’t.” I frowned.

    “I have to go. They are expecting me at the track. Will you be alright?” He asked

    “Yes.” I nodded. Despite how much I thought I never wanted to see him again, I was sad to see him go.
    He placed a kiss on my forehead before leaving the room. Once he was gone a tear slid down my cheek. Why is my life so messed up? Nothing is going right. I can’t seem to work it out with the only man I’ve ever cared about and now I’m hurting other people like Mark and Sebastian. My stomach turned when I realized my grandfather probably knew I was in the hospital and why I was here. He did not approve of me drinking. If he did know, he would probably make me go back to Italy.

    I noticed a folded piece of paper on my nightstand. It had my name written neatly on the outside. I reached over and grabbed it, cringing from the soreness as I stretched out. I unfolded the note.

    “Dear Heidi,

    I have paid the doctor a handsome fee to tell your grandfather you are only here because you bumped your head while at the track. So you do not have to worry about him finding out. Only Seb and I know and you know Sebastian would never betray you either. The doctors told me you would be here for another day but then you could be released into the care of a family member. I hope you don’t mind I told them I was your husband. Either way, I did so it doesn’t matter now. Tomorrow I will be here to pick you up and bring you back to the hotel. After that we can go back to not associating with each other.

        Please get well soon,

    I could hear his voice as I read the letter. I fought back a smile. Oh, Iceman. I frowned remembering that we were not together. And we never could be. I laid the letter down beside me. I was so confused. Kimi was doing exactly what I asked, yet I still wasn’t happy.

    “Mrs. Raikkonen?” a woman’s voice said. I looked up an saw a nurse. I was slightly confused at first but quickly remembered Kimi’s lie.

    “Um yes?” I replied, hoping she hadn’t noticed my reaction to the foreign name.

    “How are you feeling?” She asked. Her voice was sweet and her brown eyes surrounded by wrinkles looked sympathetically at me.

    “Sore.” I tried to smile, but even that hurt.

    “I will get the doctor to prescribe you some pain medications.” she nodded.

    “Thank you. Um, get you get me more water before you go?” I asked, my throat was incredibly sore and scratchy.

    “Of course dear. You know, you’re so lucky to have a husband who cares so deeply for you.” She rambled as she filled my cup at the sink. I was rolling my eyes while she had her back to me. “Sure, most girls husbands come and sit with them. But yours? He would have torn this place apart to know you’re alright. He was a pain to deal with. All the questions he kept asking. The other nurses complained about him, but I think its sweet. He would do anything for you dear. Yes, you are a lucky one.

    She handed me the water and then waddled out of the room. If only she knew that Kimi and I couldn’t stand each other. That his yelling and persistence was not a sweet gesture of concern, but just his horrible personality. The senile old bat had no clue how he really felt. I took a large gulp of water and then tried to get comfortable in the stiff hospital bed.



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