Chapter 47: Seychelles Part 1:

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    I dropped Luukas off at my grandfathers for the day then proceeded to drive to the track. I parked my Ferrari and walked towards the paddock. I was wearing a tight white dress and high heels. I wore sunglasses and had an expensive silk scarf on my head to try and hide my identity. My blonde hair was curled and I had bright red lipstick on. Even I had to admit that I looked amazing. I had already worked the baby weight off and my body was better than ever, the baby had helped me fill out in all the right places. I walked quickly through the paddock trying to avoid being spotted by the media. I knew they were dying for a picture of me. First I hit up the red bull garage. Sebastian was standing outside waiting for me.

    “Mama, you look amazing.” he looked me up and down. I playfully hit his shoulder.

     “Stop it.” I smiled. “How are you?”

    “Great, I miss you.” He said.

    “I miss you too. You should come see Luukas after practice.” I smiled.

    “I will, I will.” He promised. “Are you going to see Kimi?”

    “I’m meeting him for coffee in a few minutes.” my mouth formed a frown. My chest was tight and I felt anxious.

    “Don’t be nervous. You will work something out.” I had called Sebastian right after I got off the phone with Kimi, to tell him all about the lawsuit.

    “I hope so.” I said. “I need to get going.”

    Sebastian hugged me and I made my way to the nearby coffee shop that Kimi and I were supposed to meet at. I had called him back late at night, the same day I heard about the lawsuit. After a lot of convincing I had finally agreed to meet him when he was in town for the Italian grand prix. He had begged me to bring Luukas, but there was no way I was going to do that, not yet. However I had been generous and have been texting Kimi pictures of Luukas. I can’t keep him from his son entirely. I sat down at a table in the back of the coffee shop and sipped my drink. I was sitting where I was hidden from most people, but I could still keep an eye on the front door. After a few minutes of waiting I saw Kimi walk through the front door. He wore a Ferrari shirt, black shorts and his Oakley sunglasses. A typical Kimi outfit. He looked around the café for a minute and when he got closer to me I stood up, pulling off my scarf and removing my sunglasses. He took his sunglasses off as well and came over to me. His mouth hung open and he hadn’t taken his eyes off me. He kept looking me up and down.

    “You look incredible Heidi.” he whispered into my ear as he placed his hands on my waist, pulling me into a hug. Shivers flowed down my spine and the hair on my neck stood up from where his warm breath had tickled it. I took my seat back at the table and he sat down as well.

    “Well…” I said awkwardly. Kimi hadn’t stopped looking at me and I was beginning to blush. This seemed to break him from his trance.

    “I want to see Luukas.” he said insistently.

    “You know you can’t.” I shook my head.

    “I could if you would just let me.” He crossed his arms.

    “You know its not that easy Kimi.” I replied.

    “You aren’t wearing your engagement ring.” Kimi pointed out. I wanted to tell him that I had only taken it off because I was meeting him and that I had worn it the whole time. I wanted tell him how my finger felt naked without it and made me feel hopeless, like nothing will ever work out.

    “We aren’t getting married Kimi, you only wear an engagement ring when you’re getting married.” I said cooly. Kimi looked away from me for a second. He rubbed his eye. He was crying. My heart was breaking. He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it on the table in front of me.

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