Chapter 43: It's time

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    Have you ever had a day that was bad from the very moment you opened your eyes? That’s the kind of day I’m having today. I was woken up to my phone going off. Apparently Dasha and Minttu had decided to start tweeting trash about me. They are so immature. It ended with me throwing my phone against the wall. It didn’t help that Kimi was currently in Monaco racing. Since I was in the last month of my pregnancy I was no longer allowed to travel. I was in Kimi’s home in Switzerland and I was so lonely.

    Currently, I sit on the couch watching my favorite drama while eating ice-cream straight from the carton. Suddenly I felt the strongest pain in my stomach that I have ever felt. A contraction. I moaned in pain and reached for the phone. I dialed Kimi’s number, praying that practice hadn’t started yet. The phone rang and rang. I kept calling as I tried to gather the things I needed to take with me to the hospital. The pain was so bad that I was sweating and I was gritting my teeth trying to bare it. I was going to have to drive myself. I wasn’t due for almost three weeks. I was supposed to have more time to prepare. Kimi was supposed to be here. Finally the phone picked up.

    “Hello?” a voice that did not belong to Kimi said. I recognized it as Mark Kimi’s trainer.

    “Mark, this is Heidi. Where is Kimi?” I said urgently.

    “He is on the track. Its practice 1. Is there something wrong?” Mark asked.

    “I’ve gone into labor. You have to tell Kimi and tell him to get here as soon as possible.” I pleaded. Another contraction came that brought tears to my face. I hung up the phone grabbed my bags and keys and went out to my car.

    Once at the hospital the staff quickly checked me into the room. They stabilized me and the contracted had become a little more bearable, but they were coming very consistently every five minutes. I clutched my phone waiting for Kimi to call. Waiting for him to tell me he is on his way. A nurse came into the room holding a clipboard.

    “Ms. Felisa, how are you?” she asked kindly. She was young, blonde and bright eyed.

    “As good as you can be I suppose.” I felt intense pressure from the baby.


    “That’s great. You’re doing great. Do you think you’ll be prepared to start pushing soon?” She asked.

    “No, no I can’t my fiancée is on his way. At least I hope he is. I had them tell him I was in labor. He has to be here for the birth.” I pleaded with the young woman.

    “I’ll do my best to help you delay it for as long as possible, but when the baby is coming its coming. You will be alright for a little longer.” I could tell she had sympathy for my situation. Did this happen to other women? Did they go into labor while their partner was away. Kimi was in another country and I feel so scared and helpless. I don’t have anyone here for me in Switzerland. I’m all alone. And this is certainly not something I want to do alone.

    I called Kimi’s phone again but it went straight to voicemail. I prayed this meant he was in the air on the way here. It was a short flight from Monaco to Switzerland. If he is on his way it won’t take him long to get here. That is IF he is on his way. I had called my grandfather on the drive here and he was on his way by car because he had the private jet waiting for Kimi in Monaco. I decided to ring Sebastian and alert him of the news and see if he knew if Kimi was on his way.

    “Hello Mama.” Sebastian answered.

    “I am almost a mama, but not yet.” I said. “Do you know if Kimi is on his way?”

    “When they told him over the radio he went straight to the garage and couldn’t get out of the paddock fast enough.” Sebastian relayed. I felt a weight off my chest knowing he was on the way.

    “I’m so scared Sebastian, what if he doesn’t get here before the baby does.” I confided in Seb.

    “You’ll be just fine. You can do this Heidi, but don’t worry. He will be there.” As Sebastian reassured me I looked up and saw Kimi.

    “He’s here.” I squealed with joy.

    “Told you.” Seb chuckled as I hung up the phone. Kimi greeted me with a passionate kiss. He was still wearing his racing suit halfway. I grinned at him as he stepped back to take a look at me. Kimi ran a hand through his messing hair.

    “You made it.” I smiled.

    “I couldn’t miss this.” He said, he began to pace.

    “Are you alright?” I asked.

    “I’m going to be a father.” he stopped and looked at me, I could see a hint of fear in the iceman’s eyes. “How can I do this? There is no way I can be a father.”

    “Well honey, I hate to break it to you but the baby is coming whether we’re ready or not.” I said humorously.

    “I expected to have more time.” He began pacing again, it was cute how he was nervous. Because I know he will be a good dad.

    “We both did, but little Luukas just couldn’t wait to meet you.” I looked up at Kimi as he stopped pacing again.

    “I’m sorry, I know I’m probably stressing you out even more.” He came over and help my hand.

    “Its fine. I’m nervous too, but there is nothing we can do now. You will be an amazing father. I know it and there is nothing to worry about.” I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

    “You really think I will make an alright dad?” he asked. I could just melt into his crystal clear blue eyes.

    “I know it.” I said and he kissed me again. He broke the kiss and the doctor and nurse came into the room.

    “Look who made it!” the young nurse said beaming with joy. “Are you ready to start pushing?”

    “Yes.” I squeezed Kimi’s hand again, but this time because I was nervous. It was easy to tell Kimi that everything would be alright, but the truth was that I was terrified myself. I didn’t know how labor would go. I knew it would be painful and I was scared, but mostly I was worried that the baby would be alright. Since he was early would he be healthy? Was there something wrong? I was scared myself, but I couldn’t show it. I have to be a grown up, I have to be a mother.

    Five hours later Kimi and I were officially parents to a beautiful baby boy. Luukas Mikael Raikkonen, born weighing 7 lbs 6 ounces,19 inches long and he is perfect. The small amount of hair he has is so light you can barely see it and his eyes are crystal blue. He is the perfect combination of Kimi and I. It just feels right holding my child in my arms. My child, it let the thought sink it. It is still hard to believe I am a mother. Kimi is watching over Luukas and I protectively an full of pride.

    “Do you want to hold him?” I asked, Kimi looked around the room for a moment as if to consult someone if it was alright. Finding no one he nodded and took the small child in his arms. Kimi was ever so gentle as he took the baby from me. As if he were afraid that he would brake. I watched Kimi convincingly looks down at Luukas. He was perfect, this was perfect. Luukas hadn’t cried at all since he was born. He had to be the most amazing baby in the world, but I guess all mothers think their baby is be best. I’m sure mine is though, because he is Kimi’s. I know he will grow up to be something amazing, maybe the greatest Formula 1 driver that the world has ever seen or whatever he wants to be really. I am proud no matter what. A tear of joy slides down my cheek as I watch my husband to be holding my first born.

And for this moment, everything is right in the world.



A/N: Please comment and vote if you like it!!! Feedback helps so much and also encourages me to write more!












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