Chapter 32: Happy

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    Kimi left as soon as we got back. He told me he had a family emergency to take care of back home. I knew it was because he didn’t want to be around me though. He couldn’t even look at me after we left the court. It hurt so much to see him hurting. I looked down at the ring still on my finger. I slid it off and put it on top of my dresser. I tried to give it back to Kimi, but he wouldn’t take it. I had kept a strong face to whole time, but inside it hurt so bad. I finally broke down and cried. I sank to the floor with my back against the dresser and cried. I didn’t like seeing him hurt, seeing him be mad at me. No matter how hard I fight it I think I will always love him and honestly I wanted to be married to him. If we could just be happy and not fight, I loved the idea of being married to Kimi, but not this way. I did what I had to do.

    The next day my grandfather returned home from his business trip. When I saw his car pull up I rushed to make myself look presentable. I washed my face to try and hide the fact that I had been crying almost non-stop since Kimi left. Then I put on a fresh outfit and ran downstairs to greet him.

    “Grandfather!” I mustered up the most cheerful voice that I could.

    “Heidi.” He opened his arms and embraced me. He kissed me on the cheek before we pulled apart.

    “Where is Kimi?” he asked.

    “Oh,” I paused. Weighing whether to tell him the truth or not. “He had to leave. There was a family emergency and he had to go back to Finland.” I lied.

    “Well, that’s too bad. I hope he is alright. Why don’t we call and check on him?” my grandfather suggested. Because he wont talk to me. I thought to myself.

    “Okay, sure.” I tried to sound confident. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number. I took a deep breath. As the phone began to ring.

Please don’t pick up, please don’t pick up, please don’t…
    “What do you want?” Kimi mumbled angrily.

    “Hi, Kimi. I’m doing well.” I put on an act for my grandfather. “my grandfather just got back and we just wanted to make sure everything was alright with your family.”

    “I don’t want to talk to you.” Kimi grunted.

    “Oh that’s too bad. I hope your mum feels better soon.” I went on with my fake conversation.

    “I’m hanging up.” Kimi said. Kimi made my blood boil. He didn’t care if my grandfather found out about us getting married, and then divorced.

    “Oh, you want to talk to my grandfather? Well what do you know he’s right here.” I smiled evilly.

    “Don’t you dare! Heidi!” Kimi said frantically.

    “here he is.” I passed the phone to my grandfather and then bounced off.

    I know it wasn’t nice of me to do that, but he wasn’t exactly being nice to me either. Sometimes he deserves to get a taste of his own medicine. I went up stairs to my room. I saw the ring on the dresser and realized that I should hide it. If I put it anywhere in my room, there was a chance that one of the maids would find it while cleaning. And those maids love to talk, the gossip about a large diamond ring hidden in my sock drawer would eventually get back to my grandfather and I could have though. I took the ring and put it in a pocket in my purse. No one except for me would see it there.

When I arrived at the track in Belgium I was dreading seeing Kimi. It was the day before practice and the whole team had arrived early for PR. They wanted to have a fan meet and greet as well as shoot some promotional videos with Kimi and Fernando. It was windy outside. I wished I had brought a jacket but instead I was just wearing a white sundress with a silver floral pattern and  a pair of nude strappy heels. My curly blonde hair was being blown around by the wind and I had to be careful that the skirt of my dress didn’t fly up. I was walking to the meeting room that we were all supposed to be at. I looked down at my watch and for once I was early so I stepped into a little café to get a cup of coffee to go. When I stepped in I recognized Kimi, who was standing in the front of the line with his back to me. Someone I didn’t recognize was the dark haired woman that he had his arm around. she was tall and skinny, wearing all black and high heels. My stomach went into knots. I saw the woman whispering something into his ear and then they laughed. At that moment I felt my very heart being ripped right from my chest. She made him happy, happier than I could ever make him. I’m not sure he has ever laughed at something I’ve done or said. I ran out of the coffee shop as quickly as possible. I couldn’t bear to see them any longer. I felt so selfish, I wanted Kimi to be happy. I really did. I wanted to be the one making him happy, but I knew I never could. I reminded myself again, we don’t go together. I made my way to the conference room that we were all supposed to meet at. I walked in and sat next to Fernando.

    “Hello beautiful. Long time no see, how was your time with Raikkonen?” He greeted.

    “Hey Nando, it was just as bad as you could expect.” I shrugged.

    “Whats wrong, you seem so glumb. Is it because you don’t haven’t had any coffee?” he asked, concerned for me.

    “Yeah, that’s probably it.” I lied. My lack of coffee was the least of my worries at the moment. I looked up as the door opened and Kimi walked in alone.

    “Well we cant get started now that everyone is here.” Stefano piped up. Kimi didn’t even look at me. He had a large coffee in hand. I could smell the aroma wafting over here. One more reason to be made at him, he had coffee and I didn’t and it was all his fault. I sat quietly sulking for the rest of the meeting. I barely heard what went on. As soon as Stefano released us I darted out the door to get my precious coffee.

    I walked back into the coffee shop that I had previously fled from and walked straight up to the bar and ordered the largest coffee with the most espresso and whipped cream that they would give me. I turned around to find a seat. I scanned the café and to my dismay spotted the girl that I had seen Kimi with earlier. I wanted to go over there and yank her out of the seat by her hair and confront her, but I didn’t.

    “Extra large coffee with extra espresso and extra whipped cream.” he barista called startling out of me daze. I went and grabbed my coffee and decided it was better to leave the café before I did something stupid. I tried to get another glance at the beautiful women that Kimi had brought with him, but she was no longer in her seat. I walked out of the café and turned towards our hotel only to come face to face with the woman. She was very thin and a bit taller than me. She had dark hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin.

    “So you’re the girl that was with Kimi before.” she looked me up and down in a condescending manor. Her accent was Finnish, Kimi brought a girl from back home and she was stunning. I couldn’t compare to her exotic beauty.

    “We weren’t together.” I gritted my teeth.

    “Kimi, told me how awful you were to him. I don’t see why he even wasted his time on you.” she continued to glare at me judgmentally.

    “Maybe he just has bad taste in women.” I shot back at her.

    “Hmph. Well I just want you to know he is mine now! You better stay away from him” she threatened.

    “Honey, he is all yours.” I rolled my eyes. “enjoy your iceman.”

    I pushed past her and made my way to the hotel. I checked in and then headed up to my room. I stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for my floor. Before the door could close another person stepped it. I groaned at my awful luck, he was the last person I wanted to see. He still would no look at me. The doors closed again and the elevator started moving. The tension hung thick in the air. We had gone what seemed like a few a floors when the elevator jolted and came to a stop. I grabbed the railing to keep my balance. Kimi finally made eye contact with me.

    “Perfect, just perfect.” I grumbled.

    “I’m not exactly thrilled to be stuck with you either.” he crossed his arms.

    “Well I’m sorry its me you’re stuck with and not your new bimbo girlfriend.” I muttered.

    “Don’t talk about her like that.” he defended. He has only been with her three weeks tops. How attached could he be?

    “I’ll do whatever I want! You should tell her not to come and threaten me!” I shot back.
    “What do you mean?” he looked confused, his brows were furrowed and he was still unhappy with me.

    “When I went to get coffee after the meeting she ambushed me and told me to stay way from you because you are all hers. She told me that you had told her what and awful person I was and how bad I treated you. Thanks for telling her all those things.” I replied snidely.

    “I didn’t say you were an awful person.” He mumbled.

    “Well you sure told her something to make her hate me.” I frowned, he shook his head.

    “Can, we just not talk about it.” he looked away.

    “Sure, because everything if perfect in Kimi’s world. He always gets what he wants. Happy ending for the iceman.” I was saying hurtful things, mostly because I was hurting. On the inside I hurt more than anything.

    “You know that’s not how it is!” he argued.

    “It’s exactly how it is. You found a girl far better than me and now you’re happy.” I shrugged. The elevator started moving again.

    “You’re right. She makes me really happy. What is so wrong with me being happy?” the door opened.

    “Absolutely nothing.” I walked out of the elevator. I made it into my room before I broke down in tears. Kimi had finally found the girl who makes him happy, and it wasn’t me.

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