Chapter 40: Christmas Day

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A/N: buckle up y'all! This is a huge chapter (as in importance). I hope you enjoy it! Please comment, vote and never be affraid to message me! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Cheers!

    Its Christmas morning and I am currently sitting on the counter eating fruit and waiting for my grandfather to wake up. Its almost eight in morning. I hear the doorbell ring and I wait a minute for one of the maids to answer it before the second ring reminds me that since it is Christmas all the maids are at home with their families. I hopped down from the counter and went to the front door, bowl of fruit still in hand. I looked down at the nightgown I was wearing. I suppose I am decent enough. My hair is in a messy bun on top of my head and honestly I don’t care what anyone thinks of me at this point. I shovel another bite of fruit into my mouth before opening the massive front door. The sight of the man on the other side of the door causes me to drop my fruit. The crystal bowl shattered on the tile floor, glass and fruit went everywhere. Kimi Raikkonen stood in the front entry wearing a light jacket, jeans, and his Ferrari cap. His eyes went straight to my pregnant belly and his mouth went wide. I quickly pulled him inside the house and closed the door. Hiding his eminent reaction from the outside world. I avoided the glass carefully since I was barefoot.

    “Heidi.” when he finally managed to speak, he could only say my name. He was clearly in a state of shock.

    “Yes, Kimi.” I said.

    “You’re, you’re pregnant.” he stuttered.

    “Yes.” I looked away avoiding eye contact. He grabbed me by the chin and made me face him.

    “You have to tell me who’s baby this is, Heidi.” he wasn’t dumb. I knew he knew the answer. I still thought I could hide it though.

    “I don’t know.” I lied.

    “Yes you do.” he began to raise his voice. I wanted to lie to him. I wanted to tell him it was someone else’s, but I just couldn’t do that to him.

    “Its yours Kimi.” I spoke softly, looking him in the eyes. He removed his cap and ran a hand through his blonde hair.

    “How can this be?” he was so dumbfounded, he began to pace.

    “We slept together, remember?” I asked. Ironically I didn’t remember, but I still knew it happened.

    “But it was only one time Heidi.” he was still pacing around the room trying to wrap his head around the idea of me being pregnant, and it being his child.

    “Well, one time is really all it takes.” I stated. He finally came back over to me and looked me in the eyes taking my hands in his.

    “I’m going to be a father.” he said in shock.

    “Yep.” I gave a miserable excuse for a smile.

    “What is it going to be?” He asked.

    “A boy.” when I said this the corners of Kimi’s mouth turned up in a grin.

    “A boy, to carry on the Raikkonen name.” he smiled “have you thought about a name?”

    “Luukas Mikael.” I looked into Kimi’s ice blue eyes which had a twinkle of excitement in them.

    “A proper Finnish name.” he beamed with pride. Suddenly his face went white, his smile disappeared and he let go of my hands. “I’m getting married to Minttu.”

    “Yes, you are.” I mumbled.

    “What am I going to do?” he placed his hands on his head.

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