Chapter 49: Luukas' first race

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    For the entire week Kimi was wonderful. He was romantic with me and such a good father to Luukas. I didn’t want our vacation to end. One day we went paddle boarding, another day we snorkeled, we went dancing one night and the next day Kimi booked a day for me at the spa. I had the most amazing massage of my life and a wonderful facial. When I got back to the house there was a stunning red dress and sandals laying on my bed. On top of the dress was a note.

    ‘Meet me out on the beach, by the rocks.’ -Kimi

    I quickly put on the dress and did my hair and make-up. I looked around the house for Luukas and Talullah but didn’t see them. After a minute I gave up looking and walked out onto the beach to find Kimi. The sun was setting and brilliant hues of yellow, orange and red filled the sky, they reflected off the water making it even more beautiful. Kimi stood out by the water, watching the sunset. He was wearing a white button up shirt and khakis, he was barefoot and his pants were rolled to avoid getting dirty in the sand. I snuck up behind him and covered his eyes. He chuckled and began to smile.

    “Guess who?” I asked giggling.

    “Is it Sebastian?” he joked.

    “No.” I pouted taking my hands away from his eyes. He turned around and instantly knelt down in front of me, holding a black velvet box up to me. Inside was a brilliant diamond ring. It was twice the size of the first ring he gave me. I brought my hands to my face and tears instantly formed in my eyes.

    “Heidi, I know I really messed things up between you and I. In fact it seems like I have messed up more than I have done right. I hope you can see that I have done my best to show you I have changed, and I have. I never want to hurt you again. I want to be there for you and Luukas, and to put you both above everything else. I love you more than anything. Please, please marry me… again.” he said.

    “Kimi, I still have my ring you don’t have to give me another one.”  I smiled looking at the extravagant ring that surely cost over six figures.

    “I want to give you this, you deserve you. You deserve a knew ring, that doesn’t make you think of my screw up. You deserve a bigger ring, one that is perfect, like you.” He held of the ring.

    “Yes, I will marry you Kimi.” Kimi slid the beautiful ring onto my finger, it fit perfectly and shined brighter than the sun. I heard the sound of a baby laughing. I looked over to see Tallulah holding Luukas, he had been there for the whole thing. This was the perfect moment. Kimi got up from his knee and I grabbed his face and pulled him into a passionate kiss. When we broke away I went and grabbed Luukas.

    “Now we can be a family.” I smiled. A photographer stepped out and began taking pictures of our family. He had us all three pose together. “You thought of everything didn’t you?”

    “I tried.” he smiled back at me, placing his hand on the small of my back and guiding me back into the house. The chef was making dinner and there was a giant cake on the counter. The house was filled with orchids and beautiful flowers.


    “Wow, this is amazing.” I looked around “What if I had said no?”

    “I was really hoping you would say yes.” He kissed me on the cheek.

    We discussed what would be best and decided I should go back to my home in Italy and that he would live there with me when he was not racing. That way I had all the support I needed. Once we arrived home from our trip Kimi had his things shipped from Switzerland and we began to unpack them into my house, now our house. Everything was coming together.

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