Chapter 35: Celebrations and Accusations

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    On race day I woke up feeling only a little nauseous. I went into my closet and picked out an outfit. Even though my stomach was still very tiny I was now self conscious that if I turned the wrong way someone would see something. Especially Dasha, if anyone puts on an ounce she notices. I put on a pair of jeans and a loose black top. I accessorized and then went down to the kitchen to eat a few crackers and some lemon-lime soda to try and calm my stomach.

    Once I got to the garage it was only shortly before the race. I walked into the garage and went over to Fernando’s side. I glanced over at Kimi. When I saw him I thought about the fact that I was going to have his child. I wanted to tell him, but I just couldn’t. He was so happy with Minttu and I wasn’t going to ruin it for him. Someone dropped a tool and it startled me out of my thoughts. Minttu was now giving me death glares. I looked away quickly. I saw Dasha walking into the garage wearing a tight red dress and insanely high heels. She almost tripped as she made her way over to me.

    “So, you look a little better.” she looked me up and down.

    “Well thanks, glad I have your approval.” I crossed my arms over my stomach self consciously.

    “We should go out and to eat tonight.” she squealed with excitement over her own idea.

    “I don’t think so Dasha.” I really didn’t like her and I really didn’t want to spend any more time than I had to in front of her.

    “Come on it will be fun!” She assured me.

    “I’m still not sure I’m up to it.” I frowned.

    “Look, lets make a deal. If Fernando gets on the podium you have to go out to dinner and celebrate and if he doesn’t then you can go home and sit around like a loser.” he Russian accent was thick.

    “Sure, sure. Whatever Dasha.” I agreed to get her out of my hair.

    “Excellent!” she smiled and then walked away from me. I let out a sigh of relief that she was gone. It wasn’t that I didn’t think Nando would win. Its just that in formula 1 things happen and who knows who will be on the podium. I had a decent chance at being able to go home and go to bed early.

    To my dismay Fernando did make it onto the podium. He had barely slid into third place. Kimi was in second and Sebastian stood proudly at the top of the podium. I stood and watched them spraying champagne all over one another. I Minttu stood off to my right side. She was so excited. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the garage. Dasha stood there waiting on me. I resisted the urge to walk right past her.

    “So I guess I’ll see you at dinner tonight?”

    “Yes!” she handed me the address for a restaurant. “Meet us here at 7... And wear a dress.” she looked at me condescendingly.

    “Okay.” I mumbled and left. I new the restaurant well since I was from Italy after all. I went and got in my car to go home and try and take a nap before

    When I woke up from my nap it was after six. I swore and jumped out of bed. I frowned when I remembered that Dasha told me to wear a dress. I really didn’t feel like getting dressed up to go out to eat with Fernando and his skanky girlfriend. None the less I went into my closet to pick out a dress. I picked out a white form fitting dress with a peplum skirt. Then I proceeded to stare at myself in the mirror making sure there was no sign of the pregnancy. I knew I was too early to be showing, but I was incredibly paranoid about Kimi finding out. Finally I decided I looked just a skinny as ever and I went to the restaurant.

    The host led me to the table Dasha had reserved. To my dismay along with Dasha and Fernando I saw Kimi and Minttu sitting at the table in the fancy Italian restaurant. She had planned this. I knew Dasha didn’t fancy me, but why did she have to go out of her way to make me miserable? I smiled politely and sat down at the circular table in-between Fernando and Minttu. I could not wait for this dinner to be over.

    “We already ordered your wine for you. I hope white zinfandel  is alright. We also have a bottle of champagne.” Dasha said as I sat down. I looked at the glass of rosy liquid sitting in front of me and knew I couldn’t drink it.

    “Thanks Dasha. I’m not drinking tonight though.” I smiled cordially.

    “Are you too good for us all of the sudden?” Dasha looked me dead in the eye.

    “Stop it darling.” Fernando hissed into her ear.

    “I just don’t feel like drinking. I have no motives behind it.” I said trying to remain polite. She gave me a strange look, but she stopped harassing me. The waiter came and took out orders.

    There was awkward tension for a moment before The two couples began an in depth conversation with each other. I felt like such a third wheel. I sat miserably eating my food. Dasha and Minttu were barely touching their food while the guys were happily chomping away. Suddenly nausea came over me again. I quickly left the table and made my way to the restroom. I made it into the stall just in time before I threw up again. Once my stomach was empty I left the stall. I jumped when I came face to face with Dasha who was standing by the sinks with her arms crossed and a devious look on her face.

    “I came to check on you. Poor Heidi are you still not feeling well?” she didn’t sound like she felt bad for me at all.

    “Yeah I’m fine.” I mumbled and began to wash my hands.

    “Are you sure there isn’t anything else going on?” she asked suspiciously. I was nervous that she suspected I was pregnant.

    “I’m sure. Its just the flu.” I rolled my eyes at her and headed for the door.

    “I know the truth.” she blocked me from leaving the bathroom. All the blood drained from my face. How could she know?

    “What are you talking about Dasha?” I tried to play it off.

    “I know you’re jealous of me and you’re trying to be skinnier than me.” She flipped her hair. I let out a sigh of relief. “I know what you’re at. You only eat for appearances then you go throw it all up. You’re so fake.”

    “Yep, you caught me.” I said sarcastically.

    “Don’t use that tone with me.” she hissed. She sounded so arrogant, like no ones allowed to be mean to her.

    “Honey, trust me. I don’t want to be like you.” I crossed my arms waiting for her to move out of my way.

    “Of course you do. I’m a model, I have Fernando and everyone knows I am the most beautiful girlfriend in formula 1.” she said haughtily.

    “Keep telling yourself that.” I scoffed then pushed past her, leaving her there in the bathroom seething. I went and took my seat back at the table. She stormed back in a moment later.

    “Heidi is bulimic.” She announced casually as she sat down at the table and put the napkin back over her lap. Everyone at the table turned to stare at me.

    “Yep, Dasha caught me. She is just SO beautiful. it’s the only way I can keep up with her.” I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

    “I heard her throwing up in the bathroom.” Dasha wouldn’t let it go.

    “Well that’s because I’ve been sick Dasha.” I was growing very tired of her.

    “Please, stop it.” Fernando whispered to Dasha.

    “No. I don’t know why everyone is always defending poor little Heidi. No one likes you, you just need to go away.” Dasha snarled. I have had enough. I stood up from the table and stormed out. As I made my way through the parking lot I heard someone coming behind me. I turned around to see Fernando.

    “Love, I am so sorry. I don’t know what has gotten into Dasha. I am sorry.” he apologized.

    “Its fine Fer.” I mumbled as he hugged me.

    “Won’t you come back?” he asked.

    “No.” I said dryly.

    “Alright, I understand. I hope you feel better.” he went back into the restaurant and I headed home.    

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