Chapter 41: Down to the Wire

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    Its New Years Eve and I still haven’t heard from Kimi since he stormed out of my house on Christmas. I guess that told me what his decision was. He would carry on and marry Minttu. I just pray that he will keep true to his word and be involved in this child’s life. It may not be the perfect situation, but it would be better for Luukas’ father to be married to another woman and still be involved than to not have any part in his life at all. I had an overnight bag packed and the jet was ready for me to fly to Finland for Kimi’s wedding. There is no hiding my pregnancy anymore so I have decided to where a stunning red dress that accentuates my growing stomach. I am wearing very low heels since my feet have started to swell and my hair is curled and down. I’ve done my make-up for the first time since Brazil and I must say I look like me again. Well, me plus a giant pregnant belly.

    When I arrive in Finland there is a car waiting for me at the Airport. There is so much snow everywhere. I pull my coat closer to my body as I walk from the jet to the car. The driver helps me into the backseat and then drives me to the venue. The venue is a beautiful building that overlooks a lake. It has large windows and is absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn’t expect anything less though. I don’t see anyone else around, so they must all already be inside. I look at my watch, I’m right on time. I open the large mahogany door and walk into the lobby of the building. I still don’t see any people. I continue on into the room where the ceremony is. All the chairs are set up and there were beautiful flowers everywhere. There are still no guest though. I look down the center aisle where Minttu while walk and I see at the end of the aisle Kimi is standing alone wearing a perfectly tailored suit. The sun is shining through the large windows behind him and he looks so handsome.

    “What’s going on Kimi? Where is everyone?” I ask as I walk towards him.

    “There’s no one here.” he states.

    “Well I can see that. Where are they?” I ask confused, I finally reach him. Kimi takes my hand and clasp it in-between both of his hands.

    “Heidi.” He paused. “Don’t be mad.”

    “I’m not going to be mad.” I was suddenly nervous about what he was about to tell me. Why does he think I will be mad? Had they decided to elope? I didn’t see a ring on his finger so maybe they have postponed their wedding and he forgot to tell me. I had flown from Italy, but I still wouldn’t be that mad. My mind jumped to every conclusion possible.

    Kimi got down on one knee. He kept hold of my left hand with one of his hands and with the other he reached into his pocket an pulled out a velvet box. My eyes began well up with tears and butterflies went wild in my stomach. Kimi was proposing. He opened the box and it had the most gorgeous ring I have ever laid eyes on. A large cushion cut diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds set on a platinum band.

    “Heidi, since the first moment I saw you I knew you were special. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You’re witty and smart. I’ve always wanted to be with you, you’re perfect in every way. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be the mother of my child. Heidi, I know I am not good enough for you and I am a cold hearted iceman, but I don’t want to imagine my life without you in it, as my wife. I love you more than life itself. Heidi, will you marry me?” Several tears slid down the iceman’s face.

    “Yes, yes, of course.” tears of joy were now freely flowing down my face. Kimi slid the ring onto my finger and then got of from his knees and kissed me. I placed my hands behind his neck and deepened the kiss. I was going to be Mrs. Raikkonen. Kimi placed his hands on the small of back and pulled me closer until I heard someone clear their throat. We broke the kiss and I looked over and sitting on the front row was Sebastian and my grandfather. I smiled, they had witnessed the whole proposal. All of the most important people in my life were here and I could not be happier. Finally my life is going where I want it to. Finally I’m happy.

    “Would you like to go to my mothers house now? She is dying to meeting you.” Kimi said.

    “Absolutely.” I turned to look at my grandfather.

    “Sebastian and I are  going to ‘hang out’. You go enjoy showing of your ring and making plans.” my grandfather kissed my cheek. “I love you so much Heidi.” he whispered into my ear.

    Kimi and I excited through the front door and as we did flashes and clicks of cameras went wild. The paparazzi had found us. They were shouting out questions.

    “When is the baby due?”

    “Is it Kimi’s?”

    “What were you doing in there?”

    “Do you feel bad for breaking Kimi and Minttu’s marriage up?”

    The flashes were blinding, I shielded my face with my hand. I chose poorly though because as soon as I raise my left hand up they saw the ring and the flashes went even crazier. And the shouts for the paparazzi became louder. They were hurling insults at me. Kimi wrapped and arm around my waist and he used his other arm to shield me and push through the crowd.

    “How did you find us?” I screamed.

    “Dasha Kupastina.” I heard one of the reporters say as if it should have been obvious. It should have been obvious. That witch hates me. Kimi and I finally got through the swarm and out to his Ferrari.

    “That woman!” Kimi growled as we sped off.

    “It’s okay Kimi, they would have found out sooner or later.” I rubbed his arm comfortingly.

    “Its not okay! What if the paparazzi had been more bold, you or the baby could have been hurt!” he said protectively.

    “I know, I know. Lets just get to your moms house.” I said soft, not about to argue with him. I liked this protective side of Kimi. It was sweet.

    We arrived at Kimi’s families home. It was beautiful. I knew he had bought them a beautiful home once he had finally made it to formula one. Kimi helped me out of the car and to the front door of the home. He knocked, even though I’m sure he could have walked straight in. A petite woman with short blonde hair opened the door. She was smiling and had such a gentle and kind face.

    “You’re even more beautiful in person, and carrying my grandchild. I only wish I looked as good as you when I was pregnant!” she looked me up and down before pulling me into a hug. “I can’t wait for you to be officially part of out family!”

    “Thank you, you’re so sweet.” I smiled. I already felt so accepted and loved.

    “Well what are you two waiting for? Come in” she ushered us into the warm house “What are you thinking Kimi, keeping your wife to be out in the cold.” she scolded him.

    “Sorry mom.” he mumbled. Even the iceman knew to treat his mother with the respect she deserves. Paula brought us into the kitchen.

    “I would crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate, but that wouldn’t be fair since Heidi cant drink. How about hot chocolate instead?” she offered. I nodded. Meanwhile Kimi grabbed a beer out of the fridge which Paula quickly slapped away from him.

    “What did I just say? Its not right to drink since Heidi can’t.” she bopped him on the head.

    “You expect me to go the next four months without drinking just because she cant?” he pointed to me.

    “Oh come on, its not that bad.” She rolled her eyes and went back to making the hot chocolate. Kimi looked at me and pouted.  I stuck my bottom lip out mimicking him. ‘Poor baby.” I mouthed to him. He rolled his eyes at my lack of sympathy. Although I certainly didn’t expect him to give up drinking, it wasn’t as big of a deal as he was making it out to be. I had done it after all. Then again, I’m not Finnish. I swear they had vodka flowing through their veins.

    The rest of the evening was lovely we spent it around the fire talking to Kimi’s mother. I told her more about myself and she told countless embarrassing stories from Kimi’s childhood. His family was amazing and I was envious. He grew up with a mom, a dad and a brother. My parents had died when I was younger and my grandfather was all I had. I had already grown so close to Paula though and had a feeling she will become like a mother to me.

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