Chapter 31: Celebration Gone Wrong

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    “Thank you.” I said.

    “I will never give up on you.” he ran a hand through my long blonde hair. I leaned forward and kissed him. When we pulled apart he was smiling.

    “This deserves a celebration.” I grabbed Kimi by the hand and led him into the wine cellar. I pulled out an expensive red wine and removed the cork. I grabbed a two glasses and poured them full. I held my glass in the air.

    “To never giving up.” I toasted.

    “To never giving up.” he clinked his glass against mine and we both drunk.

    In no time we had the whole bottle drunk, and we went upstairs and moved on to a bottle of gray goose. Kimi was sitting on a chair and I was straddling his lap and was peppering kisses down Kimi’s neck. I giggled and took another sip straight from the bottle. Kimi ran his hands along the sides of my body.  My body felt like electricity has flowing through it.

    “You’re so beautiful.” Kimi whispered in my ear before moving on to kiss me. Our kiss was heating up when he pulled away, startling me.

    “Heidi,” he spoke with urgency.

    “What’s wrong Kimi?” I asked, still laughing from the excessive amount of alcohol I have consumed.
    “Heidi, lets get married.” his face was serious.

    “Okay. Lets get married.” I giggled and then went back to kissing his neck. He gently pushed me away. I looked at him confused.

    “Right now. Lets go get married right now.” he ran he hand along my cheek. I finished off the rest of another bottle. And placed another kiss on his lips. I looked into his amazing blue eyes and I was in love. At that moment I would do anything for Kimi.

    “Okay.” I smiled.


    I rolled over in bed. I could feel I was tangled in the sheets. I had the worst headache of my life and no recollection of why I finally managed to open my eyes, the light made my the pounding in my head even worse. I looked around and saw Kimi in the bed beside me. I frowned, what was he doing here? I tried to rip the sheets off but they were caught on something on my hand. I finally was able to remove my hand from the sheets and I noticed a foreign object on my finger. A ring. A huge diamond ring was on my left hand. Panic struck me. What have I done. I quickly jumped out of the bed. I had to get away and figure this out. I instantly became cold when I got out of bed. I looked down and realized I was only in my bra and panties. I screamed and quickly grabbed a sheet to wrap around myself as It fully his me what had happened. I had married Kimi, I had slept with Kimi. I was in a full on panic attack now. A startled Kimi looked up at me.

    “What did you do?” I screamed at him.

    “What are you talking about?” He rubbed his eyes. I held my hand up.

    “This! What happened last night.” I was panicking now. I had married Kimi and I don’t even remember it. I can’t be married. I’m not ready. My mind raced. Kimi looked confused at the ring. I made my way around to the other side of the bed where he was and grabbed his left hand which sported a brand new gold wedding band. I thrust it in his face for him to see. It was written all over his face as he realized what happened. He quickly sat up and swung his legs over the bed. He was completely naked. I shielded my eyes.

    “Cover yourself.” I said looking away.

    “Pft, we’re married now. Its not like you’re never going to se me naked.” he grumbled.

    “Not for long. Hurry up get dressed.” I ushered him.

    “What do you mean?” He didn’t move.

    “Were getting divorced or the marriage annulled or something.” I rambled “How could this happen?”

    “Divorced?” Kimi said repulsed by the idea.

    “Yes Kimi. I am not going to be married to a man and not even remember our wedding. Kimi we aren’t ready to be married! I’m not ready to be married.” I said walking into my closet to find clothes. I came back into the room fully dressed.

    “Hurry up Kimi. Go get dressed so that we can get this problem fixed before anyone finds out.” I tried to shoo him out of the room.

    “What if I don’t want to get divorced?” he stood there with a sheet wrapped around his lower half.

    “Kimi, this is not a joke.” I said sternly.

    “I know. What about what I want? What if I don’t want to divorce you?” he asked.

    “Iceman, if you love me at all you will divorce me right now.” I was getting frustrated.
    “I kind of like the idea. Mrs Raikkonen. You know your grandfather will be thrilled to hear the news. How about we call him.” Kimi taunted me.

    “Don’t you dare.” I gritted my teeth.

    “What is so awful about being married to me?” he was angry now.

    “I didn’t have a say in it!” I shot back.

    “I’m pretty sure no one forced you to.” he muttered back.

    “I was drunk.” I threw my hands in the air.

    “You should learn to handle your liquor better sweetie.” Kimi was so infuriating. Why wouldn’t he just divorce me. How could he not understand?

    I stormed out of the room. I couldn’t take him. It was all too overwhelming. I went down into the kitchen for a glass of water and some aspirin. My head was throbbing even worse than before. My mind was working in overdrive trying to think of solutions to this problem. Maybe we weren’t actually married. I looked down at my ring. It was gorgeous and under any other circumstances I would have been thrilled to receive a ring like this. The gold band had a large princess cut diamond surrounded by several smaller diamonds. It was stunning. I sat admiring it. A tear slid down my cheek. It wasn’t that I couldn’t stand the idea of being married to Kimi. Its just how it happened. I wanted to remember when he proposed, my wedding. I wanted the princess wedding that every girl dreams of. I wanted it to be special, I wanted to remember it. I sighed and looked up as Kimi walked into the kitchen. He was now fully dressed and had a set of car keys in his hand.
    “Lets go.” he mumbled.

    I got up and followed him out to the car. The drive to the court house was silent. Within the hour we had the marriage annulled. It broke my heart to see Kimi hurting. I was hurting him and I knew it, but I didn’t know how to fix this. I wasn’t ready to be married. I had slept with him and I didn’t remember it. I didn’t remember my first time. It was supposed to be special. This was partly my fault. I was drunk. I was so stupid. And because of this I’m not sure it will ever be the same between Kimi and I.

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