Chapter 29: Her Name

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    I sat on the table in the hospital room. I was wearing one of those flimsy hospital gowns. I tapped my foot anxiously as I waited for the Dr to come back in and talk to me. While undressing I had seen that my body was covered in bruises. My face was bruised, my neck had marks from his fingers and my breast an much of my upper torso was covered in dark bruises. The door opened and my heart jumped into my throat. The doctor took a seat on the stool in front of me.

    “Well, miss Felisa the good news is that he did not rape you.” I let out a sigh of relief. “You are badly bruised, but there is nothing critical. I will give my statement to the police and you are free to go.”

    The doctor left the room and I quickly dressed back into my clothes. Kimi was sitting in the waiting room. I knew he would be happy to hear the news. He would still be raging mad about me being beat up, but at least Ricky hadn’t forced himself on me. I walked into the waiting room, Kimi was talking to the police, but when he saw me he stood up and came towards me.

    “Well?” he asked cautiously.

    “He didn’t” I whispered with a small smile on my lips. I saw the tension release from Kimi’s body and he sighed in relief. He pulled me into a tight hug.

    “The police are trying to find him now, but they are not sure if he has left the country yet and if he has it will be extremely hard for them to extradite him from another country.” Kimi explained.

    “Its fine. I just want to go home.” I said softly.

    “I’ll take you then.” He led me out to the car. The drive home was extremely quiet. I think Kimi knew I didn’t want to talk about it, either that or he just didn’t know what to say.

    Once we got home I went straight to my room without saying a word. Kimi didn’t even try and stop me. I was finally going to get my desperately needed shower. I locked my bathroom door and began to strip down. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror before I stepped into the shower. I my fair skin was covered in dark blue and purple bruises. I was dirty from the woods and my hair was disheveled. I turned the shower on as hot as it would go. I wanted to wash away any trace of what Ricky had done. I wanted to wash away the feeling of him touching me. Of his hands are my neck and his fingers on my blouse. Once I finally felt clean enough to get out of the shower the room was filled with steam. I walked into my closet and pulled on plaid nightgown. I went and laid down on my bed, but I couldn’t get comfortable. I couldn’t stop seeing Ricky’s face every time I closed my eyes. I kept replaying the event in my head. I decided to go walk around the house and maybe clear my head.

    I walked through the house, my house was so large I could do this for a while. It was late at night now and all of the help had gone home. The house was so quiet. I often found it creepy when I was here by myself. Well Kimi was here, but with my grandfather out of town on business It felt different. I couldn’t go sit at the foot of his bed and talk to him. I could hear the TV on as a passed the media room. I peered in through the cracked door. Kimi was sitting on the couch, beer in hand, watching a previous race.  I slipped into the room and quietly sat down beside him. He glanced over as me and then back at the television as I curled up beside him. I think he knew I didn’t want to be alone, but he also knew I wasn’t ready to say anything. He held out his beer to offer me some. I shook my head and he put the bottle to his lips. He placed the green glass bottle on the table and then wrapped his arm around me. I rested my face on his shoulder and slipped into a deep sleep.

    When I woke up I was laying on Kimi’s chest. He had fallen asleep as well. I love the way Kimi smelled, it was intoxicating. In that moment I wished to lay there forever. I closed my eyes and just laid there feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathes. I felt him stir and I tried to move off of him but he brought his arms around me keeping me there.

    “Don’t go.” he mumbled. I didn’t want to go I wanted to lay there forever, but I knew I couldn’t. I couldn’t let him have that power over me. I wriggled out of his grasp.

    “I have to.” I whispered. He groaned and rolled over.

    “Jenni.” he groaned. It hit me hard, he didn’t realize it was me. In his drowsy daze he was imagining himself with his ex-wife. I quickly rushed out of the room and down to the kitchen before he opened his eyes.

    I began to make breakfast. When I am upset or angry I usually cook or clean. Since the house was already clean I was left to cook. I don’t know why it hurt me so much that he called me Jenni. I think it hit me that he is not over her. He is still dreaming that they can still be together. He deserves so much better than her. I sighed and pulled the homemade sticky buns out of the oven.

    “That smells delicious.” Kimi took a deep breath, taking in the aroma of fresh baked pastries, bacon, eggs and sausage. I dropped the pan of sticky buns onto the table making a loud bang. I was still very frustrated. I went back to tending to the scrambled eggs. I kept chopping them up, taking out my frustration on them. I couldn’t even look at Kimi.

    “What is your deal?” he raised and eyebrow. I whipped around and shot him a dirty look.

    “Nothing.” I spat I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a carafe of orange juice and then I grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with juice. I placed slammed the glass down on the table in front of Kimi sloshing a bit of the juice onto his lap. He jerked back and gave me a look of confusion.

    “Clearly you’re angry about something.” he stood up from the table.

    “Nope, nothing.” I smacked my lips.

    “Heidi.” he groaned. That was it.

    “I guess you know my name now.” I said vindictively.

    “What are you talking about?” he was confused.

    “You called me Jenni.” I spat. “Just when I thought it might be possible to make it work with you, but you still aren’t over some woman who cheated on you!”

    “I loved Jenni!” He raised his voice.

    “Sounds like you still do.” I crossed my arms.

    “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” he shook his head in frustration.

    “Really? Explain then.” I was frustrated.

    “I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Kimi muttered and left the kitchen. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sank to the floor. Right when I think everything is going good. It always falls apart.

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