Chapter 16: Be my girl?

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          I stood in the Ferrari garage watching the boys prepare for another  race. I had a large cup of coffee in my hand and my sunglasses pushed down on my face to block to bright sunny day. It was too early. My hair had been thrown in a messy bun on top of my head and I was wearing a simple cream shift dress. My cell phone vibrated in my other hand. I looked at the message, it was from one of my grandfathers executives.

    ‘Your grandfather had a heart attack. You need to get here as soon as possible.’

    My heart sank. My grandfather is all I have left in the way of family. He means the world to me. I panicked and ran out of the garage. I called our pilot and told him to ready the jet and I jumped into the first cab I could get and told them to take me to my hotel. Once back at the hotel I hurriedly packed my things. My phone kept ringing but I ignored it.

    Once I was boarding the plane I finally checked my messages for any updated on my grandfather. Currently he is in surgery and they say he is in no danger, but I was still terrified. I had also missed several calls from Fernando and the other drivers. I sent out a mass text to Kimi, Seb, Nando and Mark instead of calling them back.

    ‘My grandfather had a heart attack. He will be fine, but I am on a plane back to Italy.’ I pressed send and then set my phone to airplane mode.

    I sat in the hospital room with my grandfather. He was out of surgery and expected to make a full recovery. He was resting at the moment. I was keeping had the race turned on the flat screen TV that was in his room. Mark was currently in the lead with Seb nipping at his heals and Kimi wasn’t far behind.

    In the end Sebastian won, Kimi came in second and Mark third. I was happy to see three of my friends on the podium. If you could still call Kimi my friend. Maybe not, but I didn’t know what else to call him. I sent out a congratulations to Seb and to Mark. Kimi I decided it best not to say anything. I didn’t really want to speak with him anyway. I watched as the press interviewed each of the drivers. When they got to Kimi he looked especially unhappy.

    “How do you feel about the race, Kimi?” the female reporter asked.

    “We didn‘t win.” he mumbled “It could have been better.”

    “Any update on how the CEO of Ferrari who had a heart attack earlier this week is doing?” she inquired pushing the microphone back in Kimi’s face.

    “Uh, he seems to be doing well… he uh… is expected to make a full recovery. I wish him to get better soon.” He struggled through the interview. He truly is horrible in interviews.

    “Thank you Mr. Raikkonen.” she nodded and went on to the next driver.

    I flipped off the TV and reclined back in my seat. I hadn’t slept well since I got here. I felt incredibly tired and no matter how much coffee I drank I just couldn’t overcome it. There was a knock at the door and a delivery boy came in bringing more flowers. The room was filled with them. Everyone wanted to wish my grandfather to get better. This vase was full of white lilies. I instructed the boy to put them on one of the last available spots near the window. After he left I went over to them to read the card.

    ‘Get well soon.’ - Kimi Raikkonen.

    At least he had some decency. I snorted and made my way out to find more coffee before my grandfather woke up. I have planned not to return to formula one this season. It is nearing the end and I just can’t bear to leave my grandfather alone. I looked down at my phone which I have had to put on silent due to the high amount of calls and text I have been receiving. The most recent text was from Kimi.

    ‘How is he?’ I hadn’t talked to Kimi at all so I was surprised.

    ‘Better. Still in the hospital but he will be released in a couple of days.’ I replied.

    ‘That’s good.’ he responded.

    ‘Yes. Thank you for the flowers. We just received them.’ I added.

    ‘You’re welcome.’ he was short.

    I ordered coffee from the café downstairs and then made my way back to the room. I sat down in the large armchair provided in the luxury hospital suite that they had put my grandfather in. Despite the coffee I still managed to fall asleep.

    A knock on the door woke me up. I expected a doctor or nurse to enter, but no one entered. The knock came again. I looked over at my grandfather who was still asleep. I got up and answered the door. When I opened it Mark was on the other side. He looked tired, but he was smiling. He had to have flown here straight after the race.

    “Mark.” I said surprised. “What are you doing here?”

    “I came to check on you. How is it going?” He asked.

    “I’m fine. My grandfather is doing much better. He is sleeping right now though.” I said stepping out of the room and closing the door.

    “Well have you eaten? How about I take you out for lunch?” he asked.

    “Um, well I don’t want to get too far away from my grandfather.” I said feeling unsure.

    “Well how about the hospital cafeteria?” he suggested.

    “Sure. That sounds… nice.” I smiled at him. I followed him down to cafeteria where I picked out a salad. He refused to let me pay for my meal. and then we sat down at a table in the corner to avoid being seeing be the general public.

    “So when are you coming back?” Mark finally broke the silence.

    “Um, I’m not going back.” I frowned “This season at least. I just can’t leave him. Not until I know he has totally recovered.”

    “So you might be back next season though?” he looked disappointed but he was holding out hope for me to come back next season.

    “Yes, I think that is a good possibility. I was going over some things with the CFO and he said this venture of me promoting Ferrari to the VIP’s and fans has been very profitable. We have seen a large spike in sales. So I believe I will go back.” Mark smiled when he heard this.

    “Well in the mean time you should go on vacation to see me after the season ends. I would love to show you Australia.” He offered.

    “That sounds lovely Mark. I’ve always wanted to go.” I replied.

    “Of course.” He said before taking a bite of his sandwich.

    “Thank you for coming all the way. It was so thoughtful of you. You must be exhausted.” I thanked him.

    “It’s really no trouble. I wanted to make sure you were alright. You’ve gone through a lot lately and I want you to know I am here for you. If you need anything just let me know.” He touched my hand.

    “You’re so kind. Thank you.” I smiled.

    “Heidi… I know its soon and that you and Kimi had some sort of thing. I respect that and I don’t want to push you, but I can’t just let it go. You kissed me which means you had to feel something and I really feel something for you. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I would like to be more than friends with you.” He finally blurted out. I was taken aback. At the time I thought the kiss was just a mistake, just because I was confused. Maybe subconsciously I did feel something for him and I didn’t realize it. Mark is a wonderful guy after all and quite handsome.

    “Well… I mean. Mark I like you too.” I managed to say.

    “So you will be my girl?” He pressed. I paused and thought for a second.

    “Yes. I would love to.” I finally replied. He leaned over the table and kissed me on the cheek. Not too forward, just right. Maybe Mark was just what I needed. A sensible man, who was thoughtful and kind. I smiled.

Things might turn out alright after all.

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