Captured|| chapter 2

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A/N: I've only updated today because I'm going to cadets on Thursday and since I'm quitting cadets, I'll be updating on Thursdays and occasionally weekends. Listen to the music I linked I listen to it while I write or read anyways hurray I got one read😂 I don't know why I'm celebrating but whoever it is thanks for reading and hopefully you continue the book.
Derek's POV

As I was awoken by a punch in the face I see a women in some clothing that's I don't recognize. I hear a women's voice call out a name Indra and the women who awoken me with a punch turns around and says heda as she goes down on one knee.

  "Who's this and why have you brought them here?" that woman's voice said in a emotionless tone as she walks toward me "he's one of the Sky people heda" I hear Indra say as she stands up she walks over to me. "He appears to be the leader of their people heda" Indra says as she gives me a death glare "leave I wanna speak to him alone."

"Yes heda" Indra says as she walks out the door, "What's your name?" the woman asks me with a blank expression "I'm Derek" I say with a tired look.

"How long have you been on this land?", "probably two months or less" I say as shift comfortably in my chair but I'm unable to move my hands because my hands are bound by rope. "Can you tell me where your people are?" The women says with anger in her voice, "I'm sorry but I can't tell you I got my little sister there."

"Heda if you attack don't kill the blonde girl" I say with a pleading look, "call me commander Lexa or commander" Lexa says as she turns around and leaves.

2 months later

Bellamy's POV

"Does anyone know where Derek could've went?!" I yell as I stand in the middle of the big circle we made. Then I hear "I seen Finn hit Derek with a rock and I've never seen him since then." I hear Murphy say with annoyance in his voice, "I'm taking charge of the camp now you do whatever I say and whatever I say goes! We are going to look for Derek I'm letting Clarke in charge of the groups." I yell as I finished hearing Murphy speak.

"FINN GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT IN THE MIDDLE NOW!" I yell as I try to calm down but only get more enrage at the sight of Finn. "WHERE'S DEREK!?" I yell in his face with my fists clenched "you don't scare me Bellamy." I look at Finn with anger "your not scared of me? Just you wait until Derek comes back, you'll be scared then" I say with anger "I don't think you'll see him anymore since the grounders got him" Finn says with a hint of happiness. "What did you say?"

"Well Bellamy I hit him with a rock because he was gonna kill me." Finn says as he begins to turn around with a smirk on his face, I turn him around "Yeah well now he's gone and Clarke is depressed, and overall looks like her world is falling apart and it's all your fault Finn, she hasn't heard or seen her brother in 2 months."

"Finn you hit my brother with a rock? And yet you kept this a secret from me?" I hear Clarke say in a hurt tone I see a few tears forming in her eyes. It hurts me to see Clarke in a state like this and it's all Finns' fault Derek should've killed him earlier and now he's gone.


Derek's POV

It's been two months since I was taken by the grounders, the commander is the only one who has been feeding me and giving water.

"Leave now" I hear Lexa's voice with the same emotionless tone with a hint of anger in it, then the guards leave "Derek are you okay? Are you hungry? Or thirsty?" Lexa says with concern "I'm just hungry Lexa and I'm fine overall"I lie because the truth is I felt like shit being tortured for two months was hard, my face and torso were sore from the beatings I took from the guards.

"Derek guess what?" Lexa says as she unchained me then leans on my shoulder, "what do I finally get to stand?" I say in a sarcastic tone "no your getting released today, at noon and your officially no longer a prisoner. I'm the one that is giving the order to release you" Lexa replies in a soft, sweet tone yet it had some sadness in it. "Well Lexa I'm thinking of staying in Polis" I smirk and kiss her forehead.

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