Second Chances for a ferret (Draco/Hermione)

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NOTE: This story disregards pieces of the seventh book!!
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters all are creations of the incredible JK Rowling!
Please enjoy!!


She stretched and opened her eyes to a dimly lit fire and a blanket wrapped around her, Hermione found herself asleep on one of the couches in the common room. Hermione Granger was now head girl and had been given the privilege of having her own room, with a common room that was shared with the head boy. As Hermione sat up and stretched she wrapped the emerald green blanket around herself closer and looked around the room. The common room was as big as the common room in Gryffindor tower but there was more than just gold and crimson around the room there was also silver and emerald within the room. Two chairs and a sofa faced a dwindling fire, Hermione looked at the seat to her left, the chair was so comfortable that Hermione found it put her to sleep rather quickly and saw the head boy dozing silently with his legs sprawled out in front of him and a few blonde strands hanging in front of his face.

Draco, Hermione stood up to wrap the blanket around him instead. She brushed the hair out of his face, gently grazing his forehead, and then went to the table in the corner where her homework laid opened and began working again.


She looks cold, he thought as he passed the sofa where the mousy brown haired girl lay fast asleep. Draco looked around trying to find a blanket but found none, he quickly went back to his room and removed the emerald green blanket from his bed and wrapped it around Hermione Granger. Draco Malfoy had become head boy while Granger had become head girl, both were forced to coincide together and to be civil towards each other, after a few months this became rather easy for them as they were forced to sit around during the evenings and complete their school work together. At first it had been a nightmare-the two would bicker and Granger would make sure that either Potter or the weasel were around so that Draco didn't try and hex her. After a while Draco decided it wasn't worth the hassle and decided that he should try to be civil towards her and her annoying ways. Draco took a seat next to the fire, listening to Hermione's soft breathing, watching one of the brown curls move slightly as she breathed and soon Draco was dozing in the chair beside Hermione.


Hermione nudged the sleeping ferret sometime later, "Malfoy?"

Draco's head drooped and he slowly opened his eyes and looked around, "is everything alright Granger?"

Hermione nodded, "I figured you might curse me if you woke up with a stiff neck or something."

Draco looked at her and slowly got up, "erm...yeah...guess I dozed off there."

Hermione gave a small nod, the awkward feeling intensifying, "I'm going back to working on my essays then."

"I'll join," Draco yawned.

For the rest of the night they worked in silence to finish their papers, by the time they were done the moonlight was being obscured by the low pastel colors of the morning sky as the sun rose over Hogwarts castle.

"At least it's a Saturday, sleeping in will do us some good," Draco sighed as he leaned back in his chair.

Hermione looked out of the high windows and nodded in agreement before returning to her paper, her face began to flush as a thought came to her mind. "Did I do anything odd in my sleep?"

Draco laughed and shook his head and got up, as he headed towards his room his turned back to Hermione with an odd thought. "Granger, would you like to walk about Hogsmeade with me on the next trip?"

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