love and lockets

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Just wanted to say thank you for reading and commenting and such, I think you're all awesome! :3


When Hermione fell asleep, Harry picked her up and walked past the kitchen and looked in to see Ginny staring at the Daily Prophet.

            “Hermione fell asleep, I’m going to put her in her room and then shove off to bed. Care to join me?”

            Ginny looked up and smiled at Harry, “I’ll be right there.”

            Harry walked towards Hermione’s room and placed her on the bed, as he went to shut the door he noticed something laying on the night stand. A gold locket shaped like a heart with a lion on it, it was beautiful and as Harry stared at it he realized who would have given Hermione such a gift.

            Harry glanced at Ginny as she passed by him to go to their room, “do you remember Hermione having that locket?”

            Ginny glanced over his shoulder and shrugged, “I might be a girl but I don’t pay attention to her jewelry. Unless it was a ring of course.”

            Harry smiled as she followed Ginny to bed, he got changed and laid in bed with Ginny. He shifted so that his hand was softly rubbing her stomach, “good night love. Good night baby,” Harry smiled as he kissed Ginny’s forehead and then her stomach.

            Ginny laughed, “good night sweetheart.”


            The sunlight was glaring through the high window and as he went to pull the curtains shut Draco noticed that his eagle was perched on the ledge beside the window. He opened the window and the great bird flew inside and landed on the back of the chair that sat in the corner of his room, the bird looked expectantly at Draco as he opened the nightstand drawer and tossed a small snack at the bird. Draco lay back down in bed and closed his eyes, it was going to be another long day in the office where he would have to sit across from Potter and hope that he wouldn’t have the need to go to the lifts and walk towards her office.

            Twenty minutes later Draco was in his emerald traveling cloak and walking down the stone path towards the gates that enclosed his home. After apparating to London where he took the path to get in to the ministry and onto the lifts that brought him to his desk where a small stack had begun to form.

            Harry sat distracted by the file he was reading and only looked up at Draco when he coughed and pulled a file towards himself.

            “She stayed home today….wasn’t her idea though,” Harry muttered.

            Draco nodded, “whose idea was it?”

            “Ginny’s, she thought it would help Hermione get some needed sleep,” Harry leaned back into his chair and sighed. “Ginny is also taking her to look at places, which is actually her plan.”

            “I understand that, any new news?”

            Harry shook his head, “there’s a file here that I believe will need some looking into. Care to take a look?” He handed the file over to Draco and he looked down to read about small robberies going on around Hogsmeade. “Take the day to go there and see what’s going on, my guess is some bored Hogwarts students.”

            “That’s a possibility; I’ll spend tomorrow looking around and asking questions.”

            Harry nodded his approval, “that sounds like a brilliant plan….what’re you doing after work?”

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