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OMG This story has so many reads and it's made me so happy!!! THANK YOU!!! Everyone who reads brightens my day when I see the number increase!! please keep it up! :D 
Comments are lovely as well-they make me want to sing ;)


Hermione reentered the common room after spending the day with Harry in the room of requirement doing work and trying not to think about Ron. When she came into view of the sofa and chairs around the fire she saw the platinum blonde and sighed, as she walked past the sofa she felt the strong smell of firewisky.

            “Granger! Come sit down,” Draco called to her as she headed to her books that sat across the room.

            “I’m alright Draco, I think I’m going to go to sleep.” Hermione said as casually as possible.

            Draco stood up and began walking towards her, “I said come sit down.”

            Hermione watched as Draco staggered towards her, the fear in her heart told her to run but she knew that since Draco was well built, he would catch her either way. Draco towered over her and as he grabbed her wrist she could do nothing but follow him to the sofa where he sat and placed her on his lap. She tried to move as to sit next to him but Draco’s arms were no match and they held her in place.

            “I’m so sorry Hermione,” Draco whispered.

            Hermione nodded as she struggled to get off his lap, “I stepped over the line I’m sorry for that Malfoy.”

            Hermione let out a squeak as Draco’s arms crushed her slightly and he glared at her, “don’t call me that.”

            Hermione nodded furiously, “I’m sorry Draco. Please just stop crushing me.” She felt the pressure fade quickly and sighed in relief.

            Draco kissed her head and sighed, “please forgive me for everything.”

            Hermione nodded, “what have you done?”

            Draco laughed, “as if you don’t know. You seem to bring it up a lot.”

            “It wasn’t your fault Draco, none of it was.”

            After she uttered that she felt Draco’s lips touch hers, there was no passion but it was gentle and sweet. Hermione quickly pulled away shaking her head, “Draco you’re drunk.”

            “Ah, but having you around makes me sober up,” Draco whispered.

            Hermione tried to move again but this time Draco grabbed her chin and locked his eyes with hers, “please don’t go. I need you.” Draco whispered and pulled Hermione closer into a hug.

            Hermione sighed softly realizing there was no point in arguing with him in this state, “Whatever you need.”

            “I’m so sorry for everything, can you forgive me?”

            Hermione nodded against Draco’s chest as she took in the smell of firewisky, she could also smell a small amount of spearmint on his breath. Hermione’s eyes began to droop as she listened to Draco’s steady heartbeat. “Why do you care if people like you now? You never cared before,” Hermione whispered this into his chest as she played with her necklace he had given her. The lion glittered in the firelight.

            “I have nothing left and when I leave here I’m going to be utterly alone, if I can have one person who believes that I’m not like I use to be I can start again,” Draco gave a sad sigh as he leaned his head against the top of her head. “In fifth year I realized that using the fact that my father had so much power and I was using it arrogantly was not right and when that summer came and everything changed…I realized that I had taken the wrong path in life and I wish I could take it all back.” 

            Hermione froze and took in the scene, Draco’s arms were not in the death grip he had earlier but casually around her waist. Hermione slightly pulled away and slowly slid off his lap, she realized her mistake when he saw the hurt register in his eyes and Hermione was sure her eyes showed the same pain in them.

            Hermione nodded and stared back at Draco, “I think it’s clear that you’re getting a second chance from me. But understand this: if someone has decided to come back and they start a war and you betray any of us. No one will help you.”

            Draco nodded slowly, his buzz had disappeared when she entered the room but he knew she had been terrified because of the look in her eyes. Without thinking Draco kissed her, the kiss was sweet and yet passionate as Hermione moved closer to him.


            “Draco,” Hermione mused one day while they sat on his floor. “What happened to your parents?” It had been a few days since their argument, neither one brought it up again and it seemed that both had decided that it was not important and to not bring it up again.

            Draco looked at Hermione who would not meet his gaze, they were sitting on the floor of his room eating sweets and talking about anything that came to mind.

            Draco rubbed his neck before answering, “they both died.”

            “I’m so sorry Draco…” Hermione whispered.

            Draco shook his head as he looked over her head, staring at what was possibly the memory of losing his parents. “My father got trampled during the war—I don’t know exactly how, but all I know is that he was in a swarm of death eaters and as they ran for it. They knocked him over and he was brutally injured…I’m pretty sure someone may’ve used the killing curse on him when his back was turned though…” Draco paused before sighing, “and my mother killed herself soon after. She wouldn’t want to live without him and she knew what would happen if she stayed—her treatment would be much worse though. When I found them, they were only a few feet from each other, I buried them at Malfoy Manor—I figured they would want that.”

            Hermione slowly lowered the book she had been reading and stared at Draco, she watched his features harden as he pictured the horrible event. Silence fell and as Hermione slowly got up to leave she heard Draco let out a breath, “did you ever find your parents?”

            Hermione nodded, “I found them and lifted the memory charm. They’re happy to be home—I never told them about the war and everything that happened though.”

            Draco gave a curt nod before falling back into silence, Hermione left the room quietly and sat on the sofa continuing to read before she was meant to patrol the halls.

            When the time came to leave, Draco had come out of his room and stood by the portrait hall waiting to leave with her; they began their patrol in silence until Draco grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers tightly.

            “I’m sorry if I upset you,” Hermione whispered as she looked at their entwined hands. His felt softer than she expected, they were much bigger compared to hers and as they kept walking she felt her heart lift with every minute they held hands.

            “Do I seem mad?” Draco smirked as they turned the corner. Hermione shook her head as they fell into another silence—this one held less tension than before. “I think about them,” Draco blurted out. “every once in awhile, I wonder what they think about me…” Draco glanced down at Hermione before continuing, “what they think about me falling for-“ But Draco never finished his statement because just down the hall was none other than Ron pacing in front of a tapestry which was now forming a door. As Ron disappeared within the room Draco smirked—he had been waiting for them moment. “I’ll be back Hermione—meet you in the dungeons alright?” He muttered just as reached the now vanishing door. 

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