Good Bye Ronald

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Titles a dead give away to the subject of this chapter :P (it's the last one with him in it!) 

ENJOY!!! comment/ vote thank you for reading everyone!!!


Hermione sank onto her bed and began crying as she curled under the covers, she had come home to find Harry and Ginny sitting in the living room watching a television program, when they asked how her day was she burst into tears and ran to her room. As Hermione curled under the blankets even more she heard a small knock on her door and the sound of someone entering and then the pressure of someone sitting on her bed next to her.

            “Hermione, I understand that you have a lot of things on your plate but I have an idea,” Ginny whispered from beside Hermione. She paused before continuing, “Harry and I have decided to help you start looking for a building for you to start the bookstore. It’s not much, but we do want to help you.”

            Hermione sat up and wiped her eyes, “no I could never accept that.”

            Ginny shook her head, “you have no option, we’ll help you get started and it’ll help you figure things out.”

            “I could never accept your help.”

            Ginny smiled, “consider it your birthday gift from us. Please take our advice though?”

            Hermione smiled and nodded, “thank you so much. What advice?”

            Ginny sighed, “I love my brother Ron. He’s a nice guy but can be a rightful arrogant git sometimes and if you want my opinion, after listening to everything you told me Ron said to you and how much I saw you two fighting I want you to really think hard before you decide to get back with him. You deserve the best and Ron—although he was the best at some point—he’s not that person anymore. I don’t want to see you this way anymore it breaks my heart.”

            Hermione wiped away fresh tears as Ginny grasped her free hand, “so do you think Draco is the better choice?”

            Ginny shrugged, “Draco is….well…he’s much better than he use to be when we were at Hogwarts but he may not be the person who you deserve. Hermione, please think about what you’re doing before you decide anything? I’d hate to see you get hurt again.”

            Hermione got off the bed and reached for her jacket she had placed on the chair in the far corner, “I will Ginny. I’ll be back later,” she said as she left the room and headed for the front door. Hermione opened the door to the apartment and in no time at all she was spinning on the spot and then stopped in front of a tall brick apartment building, she trotted up the steps and headed towards the elevators pressing the up button.

            When Hermione stepped out of the elevator on the third floor the hall was deserted except for one person, her hair was messy and tied back with a pink bow. Lavender Brown stood impatiently in front of the last door on the left, Hermione hesitated and slowly walked towards her. The door Lavender was standing in front of opened and a mop of Red hair appeared, Hermione stopped walking as she watched Ron bump into Lavender and back away from her.

            “What’re you doing here Lavender?”

            “I wanted to have a late dinner with you won-won!” Lavender squeaked as she looked up at Ron.

            “Well, I’m sorry Lavender but I’m heading over to see Hermione—my girlfriend.”

            Lavender seemed to pout at this, “does this mean you don’t want me to come visit anymore?”

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