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Thank you everyone for voting, reading, and commenting. You all rock!!! and I'm sorry this took forever, I've just been studying and studying for all these exams @_@ 


“A trip?”

            Draco nodded, “I think it might be best for the time being. I’ll be back eventually, I have enough to travel for a few months.”

            Harry rubbed his neck and his forehead creased, “where would you go?”

            Draco smirked, “as if I would tell you.” He really didn’t have an idea though, he just wanted to leave and explore.

            The two were sitting at Harry’s dining table over dinner one evening, Hermione wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her opening tomorrow so she stayed at the store and Ginny was bathing James. “it doesn’t have anything to do with Hermione does it?”

            Draco shrugged, “not entirely.” It had everything to do with her actually, granted she was busy making sure everything was perfect and trying to find all the right books for her collection—she had gone to see Charlie Weasley in Romania for help with her dragon section she wanted to have. Draco was just tired of waiting for them to actually start something, he felt that if he went away for a while it would clear his mind and Hermione would be ready.

            Harry smiled, “I think travelling will do you some good. How long would you be gone?”

            Draco tried not to look at Harry before answering, “I haven’t really decided on that.”

            At this Harry looked over his glasses at him, “you’re joking right?”

            “What if I want to travel for a month or two?”

            “I need you here Draco so come on, you have to know some time frame.”

            Draco nodded, “I was hoping to make it permanent.”

            Harry put his paper down and sighed, “why have you decided that?”

            “I can’t wait anymore Potter, I think I need a fresh start.”

            Harry rubbed his neck thoughtfully as he considered this, “just don’t give up Draco.”

            Draco shook his head, “it’s been three months of fighting and watching her hold out hope for him. I don’t want to wait anymore. And now with her frantically trying to fix her store up for tomorrow…I just think it might help things.”

            Harry gave a small smile, “you don’t know what happened do you?”

            “What Potter?”

            Harry laughed and leaned forward in his chair, “Ron is out of the picture from now on. He said that they would be better as friends. Now would be your chance to get her Draco.”

            Draco’s heart lifted as the words sank in, “I’ll be seeing you at work tomorrow.”

            Harry smiled, “have a nice evening Draco.”

            Draco hurried towards the door and apparated to Hogsmeade, he ran through the opened door and passed every aisle until he found the mass of brown hair. When she turned around Draco hurried towards her even faster and kissed her passionately as he pulled her closer. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her waist, his tongue traced around her lips asking for entrance and she gave in as Draco deepened the kiss and Hermione let out a small moan.

            “Can I help you Draco?” Hermione whispered when finally they broke apart, both were slightly panting.

            Draco pulled her into a tight hug as he rested his chin on the top of her head breathing in the scent of vanilla and parchment, “just finally tell me we can be together.”

            Hermione nodded as she listened to Draco’s rapid heartbeat, “yes Draco.”

            Draco pulled her even closer, “let’s go out and start over.” He let go of her and held out his hand before they departed, when she grasped his hand he felt how delicate and smooth it was. He apparated them to a quiet café in muggle London he frequented during lunch weekly, they sat in a candle lit booth off towards the back of the café. Draco looked into Hermione’s hazelnut eyes and grasped her hands tightly, he felt that if he let go for one minuet he might lose her for eternity.

            “What should we do now?” Hermione whispered as they stepped onto London.

            Draco smiled as he thought of what to do, within a second they were standing outside the door to Draco’s flat. He slowly opened the door and led Hermione into the tiny apartment, he sat Hermione down on the sofa before getting drinks when he came back to sit Hermione moved closer to him. Draco kissed Hermione’s neck as he pulled her closer, they sat like that for a few minutes before Draco cupped his hand under her chin and they were looking into each other’s eyes.

            “Is it still him?” Draco whispered.

            Hermione shook her head as she hugged him, “it’s you Draco. Always has been, I just never realized it. I was a fool.”

            Draco kissed her harder this time and soon his hands found the small of her back as he held her closely. “You’re not going to get away from me this time, got it?”

            Hermione laughed before shifting so she was sitting on his lap and began kissing him passionately.


SORRY!!! I'm sorry for this being short, BUT we have six pages left in my word document of this story (yes its all written out) But I'm going to add a little spice to it ;) 

Thank you so much for waiting for this upload!! I swear the next one will be better, this is for every fan that's ever uploaded or commented. You all make me smile and super happy! :) 

I hope you enjoyed! please comment, fan, know the drill!!! :) 

So can this chapter get five comments/votes?? PRETTY PLEASE!!! 

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