One word: Draco.

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So yeah, instead of writing my paper and play that are due tomorrow I decided to upload this story to you awesome people! so here it is! I hope you enjoy! 



            “Dinner was excellent as usual,” Draco said as Ginny smiled at him.

            “Thank you Draco,” Ginny nodded as she stood up to clean the plates.

            Hermione rubbed her neck and coughed, “I should be going.”

            Draco tried to catch Hermione’s attention as she stood up and left but she never met his eyes before she ran from the room. “That girl…” Draco muttered as he looked at the doorway, as if she were going to return.

            Ginny was cleaning the dishes and Harry had stepped out of the room to write a letter to Ron, “what’s wrong?” Ginny asked as she turned to face him.

            Draco took a sip of his firewhisky, “Granger…we kissed and now she barely talks to me, I just don’t get her.” 

            Ginny sat down in front of Draco and smiled, “if it counts for anything…before she moved out, I’d always hear her whisper one name.

            “Who?” Draco muttered.

            Ginny gave a small laugh and shook her head, “if you have to ask then obviously you’re just a big git like we all know you are.”

            Draco smiled before laughing, “are you serious?”

            Ginny nodded, “ever since she moved in. I would hear it softly whenever I passed her room.”

            Draco smiled, “thanks Gin.”

            Ginny nodded, “you deserve to be happy Draco.”


            The bell up front rang, letting people know when someone enters the room. Hermione ran towards the front of the shop and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who stood waiting for her.

            “Sorry sir, but we haven’t opened yet,” Hermione states coldly as she turns to walk away.

            “Draco,” the man muttered to her.

            Hermione turned around and frowned, “are you really so vain that you’ve decided to say your own name now?”

            Draco shook his head as he walked closer, “that’s what you said in your sleep since you’ve been at Ginny’s. Every night, Ginny heard you mutter my name. Not his once. But mine, now why is that?”

            Hermione froze before answering, “I don’t know…”

            Draco leaned across the counter and smiled, “you know Granger…I want the truth. And I won’t leave before I get it.”

            Hermione shook her head and looked away, “I have a lot of things to get done by tomorrow Malfoy.”

            “Just tell me and I’ll go.”

            Hermione shook her head vigorously Draco continued, “tell me now!”

            Again Hermione shook her head and Draco slammed his fist, “Granger!”

Tears were rolling down Hermione’s face, “no…”

            Draco glared at her, “tell me now!”

            Hermione let out a sob before answering, “because I always think about you.”

            Draco froze and stood up straight, “what?”

            Hermione looked away, “you heard me. so what do you want?”

            Draco shook his head, “if that’s true…then why are you waiting?”

Hermione looked away and played with a loose thread on her shirt before looking up at Draco, “I didn’t want to be hurt so badly by you that I’d just end up here again without anything.”

            “You wouldn’t lose a thing Hermione…”

            Hermione shook her head, “I just keep thinking that he’d walk through my office and plead…then I could tell him no.”

            “You’d tell him no?”

            Hermione sobbed and nodded, “I just kept waiting for him…trying to see if he’d ever come back but he never did…not even on the last day that I left.”

            Draco hugged Hermione tighter and sighed, “he’s a big nasty git love. Nothing will change that.”

            Hermione wiped away a tear as she took a step away from Draco, “I suppose so, I was just being selfish.”

            Draco gave a small smile, “everyone is selfish at some point in their lives…I was selfish.” Hermione let out a small laugh as she wiped away a few stray tears, Draco gently wiped away a fresh tear and leaned in close enough for their noses to touch. “I was so selfish I didn’t realize what was happening and then I lost it all….I don’t want that to happen to you.”

            “What do you mean Draco?”

            Draco laughed slightly, “think about our last year in Hogwarts...I was a selfish git.” Draco gently kissed Hermione as he looked into her eyes he realized just how much he had missed them, “all I want is you Hermoine.”

            Hermione blushed as she stepped away, “I really do have things to get done Draco.”

            Draco nodded, “well Potter gave me the day off so I think I’ll just stay here.”

            Hermione sighed as she took a box filled with books and disappeared behind shelving. “I guess you’ll have to stay then, unless you have things to do.”

            Draco smiled, “looks like you’re stuck with me.”

            Hermione smiled, “just like old times.”

            Draco smirked as he followed her down the aisle she disappeared, he found her putting books away and wrapped his arms around her waist which she laughed at. He found her face and cupped her face in his hands as he leaned forward and kissed her deeply, their lips moved in sync perfectly as Draco pressed Hermione against the shelf.

            They laughed as the box Hermione had been holding earlier fell to the ground with a thump but Draco continued to kiss Hermione passionately, Hermione took in the smell of mint as he pressed against her so that every inch of him touched her body.

            When they broke apart Hermione was slightly panting and her shirt was ruffled as she blushed and pulled it back down, Draco smirked wrapped his arms around her.

            “We really have to get to work,” Hermione whispered as Draco kissed her neck.

            “Just a few more minutes,” Draco whispered as he continued to kiss her.  


You know the drill: Comment, vote, etc. thank you all for reading! 

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