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HEY! I'm so sorry for the confusion of the last two chapters!! (I've already written out the story so I proof read and write update where it just did so I know...I sorta messed that up this week :/) SORRY!! 



Hermione laid on the bed sobbing, she held the small vile up to her eyes and examined the golden contents, she sighed as she uncorked it and took a sip. It tasted like warm vanilla as the contents seeped through her body; it wasn’t until she realized that she couldn’t see a thing did she begin to panic. Everything was dark and it were as if she were watching a film strip that was slowly coming into focus, Hermione took in the scene and saw that she was at the Yule Ball standing beside Ron.

Looking to where Ron’s gaze was, Hermione in her elegant blue dress with her hair sleeked back into a knot with curls falling down.

“She’s beautiful,” Ron whispered as he sighed.

Hermione felt herself being pulled and suddenly she was sitting next to Ron at a table, Sirius Black sat at the head and Hermione saw herself sitting in front of her and Ron. She noticed Ron’s gaze on the oblivious girl she once was, Ron stared dreamily at her.

It was night time and Hermione stood in a corner of a dusty old room, Harry and Ron laid on their backs wide awake.

“Have you noticed the way she laughs?” Ron whispered.

Harry let out a laugh, “you’re so love sick mate.”

Ron nodded slowly, “it’s not my fault I find her attractive.”

Hermione was pulled again and she was sitting with Harry and Ron in the common room, looking at how long their hair was she believed it was sixth year.

“I don’t know why I kissed Lavender, I just did you know?”

Harry sighed, “yeah well, you seriously did a number on Hermione.”

Ron stretched out his legs, “it’s not like she fancies me. We fight too much.”

Harry laughed, “if you say so mate.”

“She fancies me?”

“She fancied you mate. You ruined any glimmer of hope for that chance.”

Ron nodded slowly; Hermione felt herself being pulled again and the image was different and somewhat unfamiliar. Ron was in a bedroom, but not his own room, looking around Hermione believed he was at his brother Bill’s.

Ron laid curled up on the bed and tears were falling silently from his face, “Hermione…” he muttered as he tossed and turned.

There was a knock on the door and Bill appeared, “you alright Ron?”

Ron sat up groggily and shook his head, “I miss them. Especially Hermione.”

Bill patted his brother, “here’s some tea with a sleeping potion. It’ll help you sleep alright?”

Ron nodded slowly, “do you think that after all this I’d ever have a chance with her?”

Bill was quiet for a second and nodded, “if you truly care about her I’m positive it will all work out.”

Ron smiled, “thanks Bill.”

Bill nodded and handed over the tea, “get some sleep little brother. I’ll wake you for breakfast.”

The scene changed again and Hermione shuddered as she realized where she was. Ron and Harry stood in a dark cellar with cuts across their faces, above them she heard her screams—making her cringe in fear. Ron was pacing the floor and looking at the ceiling, “Hermione!” Ron would cry every time Hermione’s screams emitted from up above their heads, when Ron couldn’t take it anymore he ran to the single door and pounded and pounded until his knuckles hurt and he was sobbing.

That’s all Hermione could stomach, she didn’t want to see more, her eyes filled with tears and her heart swelled as she watched all of the different scenes flash before her during the war. A scene of Ron holding her protectively or the one memory of her, Harry, and Ron who were at Bill’s and she had fallen asleep and Ron placed a blanket over her and kissed her head before the boys left her to sleep. Hermione willed herself away from the control of the potion and her ceiling soon came into view as she laid there, quietly.

Ron was never good at potions so this single thing must’ve taken months to perfect, Hermione turned on her side and could only think of one thing. How could she not have seen just how much Ron fancied her when it was obvious, it must be because she was a know it all book worm who never expected to be loved.


I know this chapter is short, but I thought it was interesting to see Hermione through Ron's eyes! 

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