Hermione's big confession

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Just wanted to say that all you readers are awesome!! like seriously, everyday I check how many reads and comments and votes I get and it makes so excited when I see that its more than it was a few days before. so thank you!! :) PS. personally I think this story could deserve to go to the watty awards so PLEASE VOTE if you agree!! thanks!

Please Enjoy! 

P.s. I wanted to dedicate this chapter to AlwaysDramoine!! She gave me the idea for this chapter :)


“There you are Ron! I’ve missed you!” Hermione ran forward and hugged the red head as he removed his cloak.

            Ron nodded and gave a slight smile, “is dinner ready?”

            Hermione frowned and took a step back, “I haven’t seen you for five days and the first thing you say to me is to ask about dinner?”

            Ron huffed, “well it is that time of day and I’m starving.”

            Hermione folded her arms, “its not ready yet so you have to wait.”

            Ron sighed deeply, “alright.” He walked over to the small sofa and picked up the prophet and slouched behind it.

            Hermione stared in disbelief, “not even a ‘how was your day?’”

            Ron looked over the paper, “Hermione I’ve had a really busy few days and I’m exhausted.”

            Hermione sighed and nodded, she wasn’t going to let this result into a fight like it usually would so she walked off to the kitchen and began violently stabbing carrots for the salad. After dicing all the vegetables she walked into her bedroom and sat on the bed, Ron was so unbelievable but he would make up for in time—she just knew it.

            “The beef is dry,” Ron muttered as they sat at the table.

            Hermione looked down, “sorry…I didn’t mean for that, it was the first time making it for me.”

            “It’s alright love,” Ron smiled.

            “So where exactly were you?” Hermione whispered.

            “I was at Harry’s, I told you that.”

            Hermione nodded and bit her lip, she had just gone to see Ginny and Harry and both of them said Ron had never stayed with them. She glanced at him and noticed that his shirt collar was a bit messy and there was a smudge on it, “it’s just that…I was at Harry’s and you weren’t there.”

            Hermione noticed Ron’s hand freeze and she knew that he had caught him, “that must’ve been when I was out for a walk.”

            Hermione nodded, “alright. Well, make sure your clothes are ready for the wash I’m going to do that tomorrow on my day off.”

            Another pause from Ron, “I can take care of it myself this time. My clothes may not smell too great after being away for awhile.”

            Hermione smirked into her carrots, “you know you’re a horrible liar.”

            She heard the chink of a fork hitting the plate, “what do you mean?”

            Hermione sighed, “tell me where you’ve been going Ronald. I’m tired of you lying to me constantly. Harry and Ginny told me you haven’t been staying with them.”

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