Forgotten Dreams

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Thank you to all my readers, it means the world to me to see how many reads this story is getting! Please Comment, vote, etc. thanks again! ^_^


Draco walked around the lobby waiting for the mousy haired witch to appear, when she did Draco’s heart leapt slightly. His hands began to sweat and as he smiled at Hermione before they exited the ministry to the streets of London.

            “A lot of paper work today?” Hermione asked as they walked through the streets of London.

            “Yeah, Harry mainly goes out on the field and I do the reports. I actually get some field experience tomorrow finally.”

            Hermione nodded with a small smile, “did he tell you I was staying with him and Ginny for awhile?”

            Draco nodded and looked at her as they walked, he could tell how much pain she was in just by her voice and posture, she wasn’t the same confident Hermione who had been head girl and made him laugh so many times. He smiled as they walked down a side street before taking her hand, “shall we go get something to drink then?”

             Hermione nodded as Draco led the way towards a small café where the only source of lighting were candles and dim lights that hung from the sides of the dinning area. Together the two enjoyed drinks and some food as they talked about their jobs within the Ministry, Hermione tried to smile but it was harder than she thought; being with Draco felt like she was safe again and nothing could go wrong, but even this feeling couldn’t bring her to smile.


            Hermione silently closed the door behind her as she entered the small flat, it was around eleven at night and both Harry and Ginny were possibly fast asleep. As Hermione moved from the door and towards the guest room that the couple had let her stay in a light from the kitchen turned on and Ginny appeared in the hall.

            “Well, how was your night?” Ginny asked expecting to hear every detail.

            Hermione shrugged, “it was nice. What did you expect?”

            Ginny walked towards her and sat in one of the chairs that faced the door in the living room, “Harry had something very important to tell you but he’s actually with Ron at the moment.”

            Hermione looked down, she was so use to being with the other two that it felt weird not being there with them, “oh? Everything alright then?”

            Ginny gave a small smile, “Harry has some good news to tell you love. Trust me it’ll make you smile.”

            Hermione nodded as Ginny got up and headed to the kitchen as Hermione glanced around the living room, the apartment was roomy with a living room that sat in front of the door and a small hallway that led to a kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. It was furnished nicely with everything either a tan or cream color, as Ginny came back with two drinks in hand Hermione noticed the pictures sitting on the shelves behind her friend’s head. Earlier the shelves were filled with many pictures but now the only ones left contained either her, Ginny, or Harry—any photo with Ron had been moved.

            As Hermione sipped the hot tea Ginny had brought Ginny sank into one of the overstuffed chairs besides her, “you got rid of all the pictures with Ron in them?” Hermione asked shyly.

            Ginny looked around and shrugged, “we decided it was best for you until you’re comfortable to find your own place. Not that we don’t love having you here, we just thought that until then we’d remove all reminders.”

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