Confrontations of anger

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PS. I started a Fred Weasley fanfic and I personally think its lovely! I'm still working on it but it'd be cool if ya'll checked it out and told me what ya thought!!! ^_^ 

Draco quickly stepped through and pulled out his wand, glancing around the room. It seemed to be like a potions storage, jars were labeled and filled with different substances he noticed a table with a cauldron, books, and ingredients for something he did not yet know. “Well! I knew I’d finally get you alone,” Draco called out. Ron came into view holding a rather large book, he glared back at Draco. “You should make sure the halls are completely cleared before doing something suspicious Ronald—spies are everywhere you know?”

            “I haven’t done anything wrong,” Ron stated as he stood his ground.

            Draco advanced towards him, as he got closer to the table Ron stepped into his way—blocking view of anything that could tell him what he was doing. “are you meeting someone here?”

            Ron just shook his head as he glared darkly, Draco tried to see over his shoulder. “Then what are you doing?”

            Ron pushed him away from the table, “doesn’t concern you.”

            Draco laughed, “are you trying to win her over with a potion?” Ron’s face turned red in a confirmation Draco laughed harder, “you have no shot!”

            Suddenly Draco felt his feet life off the ground as Ron rushed him into something metallic and cold and press his forearm to neck. His wand had slipped out of his hand at this unexpected move from Ron, he saw it now—under the table at few feet away from where they stood. Draco began chocking for air as Ron pressed harder against his neck. “You think you have a shot then huh? You’re a bloody traitor who became a coward during the war—you can never amount to anything. That girl deserves the best, Hermione is so much better than you and you could never be what she needs!” Ron growled darkly, “she loves me.”

            “I suppose you’re the best huh?” Draco chocked out as he gasped to fill his lungs.

            Ron pressed even harder, Draco felt his face heat up and his thoughts begin to go fuzzy. “It is and always will be me.”

            “Then why did she kiss me?” Draco chocked, he felt Ron’s arm loosen—he had him now. “Why is she dragging out her answer to you? How is she so in love with you when she’s comfortable enough to sit with me in my room?” Draco smirked this time, “how can she be so in love with you when…” Draco felt the arm press against his neck before he could continue. “When she slept in my bed with me?” He knew he had crossed the line, but in the back of his mind he wanted to get a rise out of Ron and it was working perfectly. Granted he had been the one to ask Hermione to stay with him through the night so he wouldn’t cry but that wasn’t important right now.

            This made Ron freeze and he let go, forgetting what was going on. He let out a sob, “what?”

            Draco massaged his throat as he smirked at Ron’s distraught look, “if she were going to say yes…she wouldn’t kiss me and we wouldn’t be here at this moment.”

            Ron ran at Draco, ramming him harshly into a nearby wall, “you’re lying.” Ron’s wand was probing Draco’s throat, he knew Ron was above killing a person but as he looked into the desperate eyes of his captor Draco realized that Ron would stop at nothing to be with Hermione. Ron cared about Hermione so much that nothing would stop him—he was even willing to make a potion to get her. Draco now realized that Ron was right—he was better—Ron was the better choice for Hermione, he felt his heart plunge as he came to a decision on what to do. Draco stopped resisting as he thought about what his next move would be, he mentally kicked himself before speaking. “I kissed her…she never wanted me to and she resisted.” Draco whispered.

            He watched as Ron lowered his wand and the crazed desperate look in his eyes disappeared, then when Draco had expected it was calm he felt as if he were hit by a bludger in the chest as he fell to the ground. “get out of here Malfoy,” Ron growled before turning around.

            Draco straightened up and grabbed his wand, he glanced at the table—the various ingredients were nothing he remembered from a love potion. “If you’re not gone in two hours I’ll repay you for that punch. And Weasley, if I ever find out you hurt her in any way…I’d watch my back.” and with that Draco left Ron by himself—he left feeling defeated.


            “Draco! Why didn’t you meet me?” Hermione called on the other side of the locked door, Draco groaned as he opened the door to see Hermione waiting.

            “Got sick,” he lied. His throat still hurt and he was sure his back was bruised as well.

            “Everything alright?”

            Draco nodded, it was easier this way he reminded himself, “I’m going to turn in.”

            Hermione’s eyes narrowed and he saw hurt flick across her face but she smiled, “night then.” Draco closed the door and slumped onto his bed where he dreamt of his parents telling him that he was no longer a Malfoy because he had fallen for a filthy mudblood.


            “Where were you?” Harry mused as Ron came into their dormitory.

            Ron shrugged as he took off his robe, “patrolling.”

            “Didn’t know patrolling meant the room of requirement with Malfoy…” Harry sat up on his bed and sighed.

            “If you already know then why ask?” Ron growled.

            Harry sighed, “what happened in there?”

            Ron looked up at Harry before answering, “we had a little chat…”

            Harry nodded, “she fancies him Ron, you realize that right?”

            Ron froze, “he doesn’t stand up well compared to me.”

            “Well, at least when he was kissing someone—it was just one person.” Harry muttered.

            Ron threw a curse at him that hit the curtains above Harry’s head, “How dare you.”

            “Mate, I’m sorry but look-“

            “No! I’ll get her soon. In two weeks it’s the Hogsmeade trip, then that phrat can’t do anything.”

            Harry shook his head, “you really think it’ll work?”

            Ron looked down at his bruised right hand before nodding, “yes it will. I know it will.”

            Harry sighed and rubbed his neck, “what are you planning Ron?”

            Ron shook his head, “you’d just think I’m mad.”

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