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Happy Easter!! ALSO incase you want to know, you're not close to the end SO if you think you are! trust me you're not!!! I just like messing around with the whole Ron MY opinion it can't just be like: "Ron's a big git" "I love you Draco!" no no no...I need more (dont you agree? ;D) 

LAST THING! Everyone's comments make me SUPER happy and gitty!! so keep 'em up!! and I apologize if I miss replying to you...I've been really good at it so far!!! (love my fans/readers!!)



Draco was half way to the lifts when he heard someone call his name, he didn’t stop to see who it was and he stepped into an empty lift just as the mousy brown hair ran in with him. He let her catch her breath before saying anything, he watched her lean back against the wall and close her eyes to steady herself.

            “I don’t have anything to say Granger,” Draco said quietly.

            “Draco. Please listen to me,” Hermione breathed as she looked into his eyes, he melted as he looked into the gold flakes that mixed with hazelnut. Draco nodded as the lifts opened and they stepped into the atrium, the gold fountain nosily flowing water between the statues. “I don’t know what I was doing, I told Ron we could start again but that’s not what I want.”

            “Then what do you want Granger? When we went out for drinks the other night you seemed pretty happy with me, and Potter told me this morning that you were the happiest he’s seen you lately. But then you turn and go back to that weasel? I thought…well I don’t know what I thought.”

            Hermione shook her head, “you know what you thought. Tell me please.”

            Draco hesitated as the crowd from the lifts began to increase, “I thought you would’ve chosen me at some point. Maybe not now but I honestly thought that I would’ve had a shot eventually. But it doesn’t matter, you chose your path.”  Draco began walking again and as he did he heard Hermione scream his name this time, it was a desperate plea and he knew that if he kept walking she would follow him—he kept walking though, hoping that she wouldn’t.

            As he made his way to one of the fireplaces, a hand grabbed his arm. It was a warm touch that made him forget what he was doing but he continued to walk into the fireplace and think of his lonely flat. As he began to turn in place, he felt the hand squeeze even harder as the surroundings disappeared and they were both taken to his flat.


            When Hermione opened her eyes, they were standing in the fireplace of a big grand room that was furnished with beautiful soft leather chairs. Draco had already moved from the fireplace and was placing his cloak on a hanger by the door, he didn’t look at her as he walked out of the room and returned with two glasses and a bottle of butter beer.

            “Sit down Granger.”

            Hermione moved to one of the chairs that sat against a wall that was filled with books, Draco placed a cup of butter beer in her hands and sat down across from her. “Why did you follow me Granger?”

            Hermione shrugged, “I wanted to talk. I knew that I wouldn’t get a chance again after today.”

            Draco nodded, “you’re right. You wouldn’t get a second chance,” Draco took a sip from his cup and considered Hermione for a moment. “Why am I holding you back when I’m not the one you chose?”

Second Chances for a ferret (Draco/Hermione Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now