Turning Back

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HEY! I just wanted to say that I saw how many reads this story has gotten and it made me sooo extremely happy I almost died! lol thank you for making my day!! ^_^ 

Ps. if you're interested in a Fred Weasley/ Originial Character fan fic here's the link: 

Have a nice day!!! :D


Draco had been lying in his bed—sleep would just not come—he thought about everything that was happening. He let out a sob as he felt his heart fall through his chest, he had been just seconds away from sharing his true feelings—maybe if he hadn’t been focused on getting Ron he could’ve said it. Now he sat alone with a broken heart—which he didn’t know was possible—all because of what he thought was right for Hermione, he wished he could just take it all back but he knew Ron was right. There was no way that in this universe he could make Hermione happy as she could be if she were with someone else, he was merely a traitor that no one trusted.

            Draco sat up as he heard a knock on the door, he crossed the room and opened the door as Hermione quickly pressed her lips to his. Before he could stop himself, he had Hermione’s bushy hair in his hands and pressed her closer to him. He gently sat with her on his bed and held her tightly as he kissed her neck and jaw line; he kissed her lips as he held her closely. He let out a low sob as he reminded himself that she’d never be his. But the idea of that made his heart break as he tried to hold her tightly.

            “Hermione…” Draco began but couldn’t, he didn’t want to ruin his last moment with her. He realized as he thought about his next move that he would potentially be losing the only person that would ever give him the light of day to prove that he wasn’t just another phrat. He wanted Hermione to be happy and if that meant that he would lose her, he would take that chance; the idea of knowing that he had been given the time to show what kind of person he could be to one person was just enough for him to get by during the day.

            Hermione met his eyes and she saw the pain that was hidden within them, she could see a struggle he was mentally having and her heart broke as she looked into the steel grey eyes.

            They stayed looking into each other’s eyes until Draco broke the silence, “you should go.”

            Hermione nodded slowly as Draco released his iron grip from her waist, as she got up from the bed she watched Draco’s body shake as he held his head. She wanted to stay, she had thought about coming to his room for an hour to talk to him about what she had decided but now, looking at him, she didn’t know if her choice was the right one.

            “Granger?” She froze as he used her last name, “he’s the better choice. I wouldn’t make him wait much longer.” Draco spoke softly as he turned his back on her while she slowly closed the door behind her. Hermione sat on the landing outside his door, she knew what Draco meant—she felt her heart break into a million pieces as the truth of his words came to her. Hermione didn’t want to believe her conscience but now she realized why she had felt butterflies in her stomach whenever she kissed him and when he held her hand she reveled in that moment. Every time she had looked at him since the holidays her heart did a small flip, it all made sense to her why she was dragging out her decision—she was beginning to think that Draco deserved more than just a second chance.


            It took a week before the two were acting the same way they had been towards each other before Draco’s change—the only thing that changed was how much more guarded Draco had become. He wouldn’t let Hermione sit too close, their recent tendency to sit with Hermione’s legs over his own was dropped and he stopped sitting on the sofa when she was around. The common room was filled with more silence than conversation like it used to be, Draco had begun sitting in the grounds than lounging in the common room.

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