Look who else showed up

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The next morning Kye was woken up by one of the guards at her door. She got up and opened it quietly. Nova had spent the night with her. But so far things hadn't gotten too serious.

"Miss Kye, I am sorry to wake you but we have a problem and need you down at the guard station" He said.

"I'll be down in a bit" She said. The guard nodded and rushed off as she closd the door. She pulled out a black mini skirt, her black boots and a blue shirt to complement her emerald green eyes and black hair that faded to blond. She walked out and down the hall to the guard station to find only Endra and Brandon there.

"Where's Mineral and what's this all about?" Kye asked looking at Endra. She shrugged

"I don't know where Mineral is but we have a murderer on the loose" Endra said. Kye gasped as she continued "Last night four of our guards were killed from a group of five. The one surviving one came back with a note warning us about the next murder. We had guards out all night to try and prevent it but one group came in this morning with a bloody note" Endra pulled a piece of paper out of one of the drawers and handed it to her.

"We don't know what it means" Endra said as Kye read it. The note said

Here's the first


I am watching you all. I remember you from school.

Kye read it once before handing it back

"This sounds like a creepy stalker of hers" Kye said "We've had this before, He'll eventually come forward to proclaim his love and we'll get him then." She shrugged

"We haven't had one who would kill" Endra said "I mean. the closest one to this was your last one. remember? He tried kidnapping you" Kye nodded

"And you, Mineral and Brandon had to come and bail me out of his house. I remember. It was really disgusting in there but he did seem nice until he tried to kill you" Kye and Endra grimaced at the memory.

"Would you have any idea how he knew Mineral back at school? You two did show up together" Brandon asked.

"I didn't know her in school. We went to different ones" Kye said shaking her head. "Speaking of which, where is she? Is she still sleeping?"

"Probably" Endra said. She started grinning "Want me to get her?" her tail started growing. Kye shook her head.

"No, I probably should. She almost killed you last time you did that and with everyone else here that wouldn't be a good idea" Kye said walking out of the room. She rushed down the hall and quietly opened the door to Mineral's room. She walked up to the bed and saw it was empty and the window open.

"Mineral?" Kye called rushing to it and looking out at the now rising sun

"Yea?" came the response from behind her. Kye turned but still couldn't see her.

"Where are you?" Kye asked, looking around.

"Up here" Mineral said. Kye looked up and saw she was sleeping in the rafters

"Why are you up there?" Kye asked.

"I don't know. I went to bed in my bed but woke up here" Mineral said as she fell off the rafter she was on

"GAH" she landed with a thud on the floor and sat up rubbing her neck.

"Are you ok?" Kye asked walking over as Mineral stood up.

"yea, just feel weird since I slept in the rafters" Mineral said "You wont believe what happened last night after Endra and I were summoned"

"Would it be anything about a murderer who knows who you are?" Kye asked. Mineral stopped and looked at her. Kye looked kinda mad. Ok, not kinda, VERY mad. She took Mineral's silence as an answer.

"Why didn't you tell me? How come I find out this morning that five people are dead and four of them being of our own guard?!" Kye asked

"Ok, that's not really what I was talking about but I'm sorry I forgot to tell you" Mineral said "I though Endra was going to tell you after I went out to look around"


"I had to! I couldn't just sit inside as people were dying!" Mineral shot back. They glared at each other until Mineral looked away waving her hands.

"That wasn't what I was talking about either" Mineral said quietly "I met them. Herobrine and Briars plus two" She had tears in her eyes. Kye calmed down and walked over to her and put her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry" Kye said "I was going to tell you but never got the chance last night" Mineral sniffed and looked at her with a small smile.

"It's fine" She said "It was just a big shock last night" She smiled "They had followed me out of the castle to Freddy's. We talked and then I brought them back here. I wasn't going to leave them out there"

"Well, I'm glad you got along" Kye said smiling "I'm going to leave you to get dressed. I'll meet you down in the dining room?"

"Sure" Mineral said turning back to her closet. She heard the door open and close as she picked out a pair of jeans, blue shirt and grabbed her green hoodie on the way out. She walked down the hall with her hands in her pockets, thinking about the concert later, the murders and everything else in between until she ran into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" Mineral said quickly as she looked up. A boy about her age wearing a green checkered sweatshirt and dog tags looked back. He had big brown eyes, brown hair and what looked like a diamond sword on his back.

"No, that's ok. I was just looking around a bit" He said smiling "We just got here"

"We?" Mineral asked just noticing the group behind him.

There was a man wearing a red checkered hoodie, grey pants and dog tags similar to his with brown hair just like the boys, a man wearing red sunglasses and a black wind breaker over a white shirt with darker brown hair, a girl her age wearing a similar out fit of a purple windbreaker and grey shirt, she was also wearing sunglasses but they were resting on her forehead instead and had lighter brown hair, almost honey colored. There was also a man wearing a black zip up with a navy shirt under and wearing sunglasses with black hair, behind him were two kids, a boy who looked about Tomy's age wearing a black windbreaker and blue shirt with black hair and a girl about fifteen wearing a short, hot pink skirt and white tank with a red heart on it and brown hair tipped bubblegum pink.

"Yea. Me, my dad, sister, and some friends came for the concert tonight" The boy said "Oh! I'm Cap and that's my sister Betty" He said pointing at the girl with pink tips. She was hanging of the arm of the boy Tomy's age. "And those are Captain, Cherry, Ssundee and the boy who Betty is hanging off is Drew"

"I'm Mineral" Mineral said "Welcome to the Fox kingdom" She said and started walking again "It was nice to meet you Cap but I have to go meet someone in the dining hall" He grinned and started following her.

"Hey! That's where we're going too!" Cap said before turning back to the group "Hey dad! I found someone who knows the way to the dining room!"

"Cool! I'll be right over" The man in the checkered sweatshirt said and hurried over.

"Hey, I'm Bajan" He said as he came closer and saw Mineral. He held out his hand.

"Mineral" Mineral said shaking it.

"Nice to meet you! Do you know where the leader is by any chance? We just got here" Bajan asked looking around. Mineral smiled.

"Sure, follow me" She said and started walking to the dining hall again. She pushed the doors open and walked up to the front table to Kye. Everyone else was there already, including Briar, Herobrine, Angle, and Creed and it seemed like there were more guards about. there was a killer on the loose.

"Hey Kye" Mineral said walking up "It seems like some more people have shown up" And she gestured to the group now walking in.

"Biggums!" Jerome shouted and ran down to Bajan.

"Hey dood!" Bajan said as Jerome gave him a bacca hug him. They seemed really exited.

"Where have you been?" Jerome asked once he let go.

"Just around" Bajan said smiling "Oh! These are my kids, Cap and Betty" He said as they stepped on either side of him. Jerome smiled.

"Hey! Its nice to meet you!" he said "This is my kid Fluffy Jr." Jerome introduced. There was a lot of catching up between everyone as Mineral, Kye and Endra stood back and watched.

"Well this is heart warming" Brandon said walking up next to them.

"Sure is" Mineral said. She was still upset from this morning but was pushing through. She wiped a tear from her eye.

"What's wrong Min?" Brandon asked noticing her wipe the tear away.

"Nothing, just heart warming" Mineral said. She sighed and turned towards the doors.

"Oh come on Mineral, you don't have to leave" Brandon said and put a hand on her shoulder. She stopped and let him turn her towards him. A tear fell from her eye.

"What's wrong Min?" he asked again, this time more forcefully. She shook her head.

"I cant tell you" She said quietly

"You can tell me anything" Brandon said, again she shook her head

"I wish I could but I cant" She said louder but not by much. She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked him in the eyes. He looked at her worried.

"What was on the note this time?" She asked. She needed to get her mind off this. He looked at her confused until it clicked.

"Just something about him watching you and then two letters" Brandon said as they walked back to the table. She stopped.

"What were the letters?" She asked serious.

"Just a 'C' and a 'D'. we think they might be a weird way of numbering his kills. Almost like naming them" Brandon said. he looked back and saw her face had gone ghostly pale. "Why? Do you know what they mean?"

She shook her head no but her face said otherwise. He raised an eyebrow at her but she shook her head again.

"Nope, I-I have no idea what they mean" She said shakily before walking behind a column.


A/N don't worry, I've split this up into several different chapters. The next should be up just after this one, sorry if this left you hanging.

Shout outfox he day goes to @RayXNight, she is awesome

See Ya!

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