The last stand (not really)

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A/N OK, not the last chapter. I promise this isn't the last chapter! Not the last! is it the last? No! it's not the last! Not yet the last! OK, now that you have that drilled in here's the story. enjoy what little parts aren't reneging your heart out *grins and disappears*


The fake grinned.

"I'm so glad you finally came out. I thought I'd have go come out as that would just have been embarrassing" she said with a cocky attitude.

Mineral's eyes widened in disbelief. She looked back at Kye with a pleading look.

"Tell me I just didn't-" she started but stopped. All the others were staring in confusion and shock behind Kye.

"Yea, you did" Kye said with a slow nod of mixed emotions. Mineral went ridged with horror. The fake laughed.

"Someone please explain!" Notch interrupted from the crowd. He pushed his way forward. The fake let out a snort of disgust.

"You're stupider than I thought" she said. Notch took a step back in disdain.

"Diamond!" Herobrine said with a warning tone. The fake shot him a glare full of daggers.

"You too if you can't even tell who your own daughter is" she said. An aura of anger enveloped him.

"Take that back right now" he said

"Or what? I'm not your daughter. Never was" she smirked "besides, your real daughter's a wimp. Big one too"

"That's it!" Mineral couldn't contain her anger anymore. She jumped at the fake, knocking her over. She just laughed in mineral's face before trying to push her off.

"Oh, so you do have a fighting spirit?" The fake mocked "then let's see you get back at me for all the times I've ruined your life" a grin was plastered on her face

"Min don't!" Endra shouted but her voice was lost to the blood pounding in Mineral's ears.

"Shut up. Right now shut up" she hisses on top of her. Another laugh escaped the lips of the fake.

"Ok, you think that'll work? Just 'asking'? How sweet. You are as innocent as he said you were" Lora said with the mocking tone dripping from her voice. Mineral lost the last of we control and punched at her face but it only hit tile.

"Not going to work" Lora's voice came floating to her from across the room.

"Get out and fight coward!" Mineral said looking around.

"Ooo, using big words are we?" The mocking was back but Min pinpointed where it was and teleported there just in time to catch her as she teleported away herself. Mineral grabbed her arm just as she was starting.

"Hey! Let go!" Lora said in a genuine fear. She hasn't been expecting that.' The file said she didn't have any powers. Steve had taken them.'

"No" Mineral said and they were gone.

A shocked silence came over the room as everyone turned to look at Kye as Endra.

"What" Herobrine said stepping forward "was that?"

They appeared in the forest a moment later, Lora trying to get Mineral off and Mineral trying to stab her. The only problem for Mineral was she had forgotten her dagger so she was trying to use the first thing she had found. A stick.

"No! Let me explain!" Lora pleaded, raising her hands to protect her face.

"No!" Mineral said repeatedly whacking her with the stick "you ruined my life! Because of you everyone hates me!"

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