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Mineral woke up on a cold damp floor and thought she was blindfolded for a moment because all she could make out was darkness. A small moan came from her right and she heard the sound of shuffling.

"Angel? Is that you?" Creed asked in a small voice.

"Yea, why is everything dark?" Angle asked in a similarly small voice.

"I-I don't know" Creed said. Mineral groaned slightly. The two stopped moving and kept as still and silent as they could.

"What was that?" Angle asked in a whisper. Creed started whimpering.

"Shh, it ok" Mineral said moving towards them "Its just me" She felt the side of the cell and pushed herself up.

Her eyes had started to a just to the darkness and she could just make out two small shapes huddled in the corner. She carefully walked over to the two and sat down next to them. They seemed to sense her and immediately climbed into her lap.

"I'm scared" Creed said burying his face in Mineral's shirt. She hugged him as Angel did the same.

"Its ok guys" Mineral said "We're going to be all right" She could feel them trembling in fear.

"Where's daddy?" Angel asked suddenly. Mineral shook her head.

"I don't know" She said. Just then the door opened and light flooded in, stunning them for a moment. A figure stood out against the bright light and Mineral's hopes rose for a moment before the figure stepped in and several more followed the first. Soon there were five more people in the cell with them, all with hoods on.

"Who are you?" Mineral asked gently putting Creed and Angel back on the ground before standing up. The figure didn't speak one moved his hand. Two stepped towards her and she took a defensive pose.

"It's no use fighting" One said. Mineral didn't relent.

"Suit yourself" The same one said. He raised his hand and it started to glow with a red light. Mineral tried to move back as the thugs came closer again but couldn't. Her eyes grew wide in horror.

"That's right, I immobilized you" He said sounding smug. "Now you can watch more comfortable and this is so much easier for us too"

The thugs grabbed her and she was forced to her knees. She felt her shirt be pulled down to expose her shoulder and watched as two of the others walked up and grabbed Creed and Angel. They screamed and kicked trying to get free but they couldn't. The two holding them just tightened there grip. The one who wasn't holding anyone walked right up to Mineral and seemed to grin.

"I bet you're wondering why you're here?" He said leaning down to her face. She looked up at him with murder in her eyes. He only seemed to smile more.

"I think you might know your guards too" The man continued. The guards pulled down there hoods and grinned.

"No" Mineral managed to say. They were the same one's who ambushed her in the ally. And they now had her and her siblings as prisoners. She stared in horror as another hooded figure came into the room carrying a red hot metal rod.

"Sir, you wanted this?" He asked. Mineral recognized the voice but couldn't place it. The hooded figure nodded and let out a little laugh before taking it.

"Yes, thank you for bringing it" He said and started walking over to Mineral. "This should do just fine"

"S-sir? What are you doing?" The second one asked. The man and whipped back around, hitting the other with the side of the rod. He screamed and dropped to the ground but wasn't burned.

The Troubles of Herobrine's ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now