wakey wakey eggs and- shoot!

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A/N So, short chapter. Sorry. been busy. There'll be more of why at the end.... So yea...... Story!


Wake up!

The voice nagged at the back of her head. She sighed and rolled over on the bed despite it. Her body ached, a headache was forming and something seemed... Off.

"five more minutes" She muttered and pulled the blanket up higher.

You don't have five minutes to waist! The voice screamed in her head. You barely have three hours!

Mineral groaned "I've got plenty of time. I don't have to do anything" She yawned

Besides finding your body

This got her to wake up more. "What do you mean by that?" She asked sitting up.

Because you have only THREE HOURS TO FIND IT! the voice screeched. She definitely was awake now.

"Why only three hours?" She asked swinging her legs out of bed "Why not longer?"

Because that's how long you have. You need to find it in three hours or be stuck roaming the earth as a ghost.

"And that's not good" Mineral shook her head "Alright, where will I find it?" She felt weird about referring to her own body as an 'it'. It didn't seem right.

That's for you to find out. And us to watch

The mischievous tone in the voice didn't add any confidence.

"what do you mean by that? Aren't you going to help me with this?" she asked.

We can't interfere with things too much.

It's against the rules.

"What are all these rules?!" Mineral groaned to herself "first you say you'll bring me back, then you say I cant touch anyone or make any sort of contact for fear of being seen"

Which you already broke

"And now you say I have to find my body in three hours or be stuck a ghost. What next?" She fell back on the bed. A knock came from the door to her room. She sighed and sat up again.

"Hold on a moment!" She called and stood up.

She walked over fastening her hood back on. It still felt weird to her to wear it, she was so used to walking around her own town without having to hide her identity. She walked to the bathroom quickly and one look in the mirror had told her she looked like she used to, brown hair and all. She pulled the hood up and secured it.

The knocking came again and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm coming" she called. When she answered the door she was glad she had the hood.

Outside Brandon and two other guards stood in full iron armor, their swords at there sides. She smiled under the hood at them.

"Oh, hello" she said "What brings you all here?" Brandon stepped forward.

"We'll need you to come with us" He replied simply. The two guards walked in. Before she could react they grabbed we arms and she was dragged out of the room.

"What are you doing Brandon?!" Mineral asked startled. He stares at her with a questioning gaze.

"I never told you my name" he replied still looking at her. The guards stopped and she froze.

"Doesn't everyone know of the leader of the guards here?" she asked innocently.

"Uh hu , sure" Brandon gave her an unconvinced look "I'm afraid you have to come with us" his tone was anything but forgiving.

"I didn't do anything though" Mineral pleaded. "I just needed a place to stay for the night. I'm a traveler is all, nothing more" she hated lying but found it necessary at the moment. She didn't know what they were going to do after all.

"yes you have and yes you are" Brandon answered pulling down her hood "And you'll pay for your crimes against this kingdom accordingly. Judge by the remaining leaders Kyeline of the key and Endriane of the end. From the crimes we have against you though, the outcome wont be in your favor"

The guards tugged her out of the room and down the steps into the main area. Out of the corner of her eye she could see several more guards waiting. One handed a bag of coins to Freddy as he held out a waiting hand. He nodded and the guard walked back to join the others as she was lead into the street.

She was marched back to the castle through the streets. Each place they passed people stopped and stared. Some with curiousity, others with hate. She just decided to drop her head and stare at the ground, unable to meet the gazes. She wished she could just disappear.

A gasp came up from the crowds on the street corners. Mineral opened her eyes to see panicked faces of the guards looking around. Brandon looked like he was about to explode with anger at the two holding her.

"Where did she go!? Find her! She couldn't have gotten that far!" He yelled the orders. The other guards ran off as the two holding her watched in confusion.

"But- sir" the one on her right said "We still have her" He seemed just as confused as Mineral was.

"What? How do y-" Brandon started then stopped as it clicked "She's got powers!"

Mineral's eyes widened. How could she have forgotten about something so big!? She looked down again noticing her body starting to come back. She just hoped she could control them.

Let's hope this works She thought and tried to jump.

Instead of just a simple jump she shot into the air. Her hopes rose as she flew over the crowd of guards and hovered. They stared up at her in astonishment and something else. She had to look closer but it almost seemed like.... Fear? Yes, it was fear. They were scared of her.

Her face fell and she flew off. Why were they scared? Was something wrong. Her thoughts were too busy to remember she was supposed to be lying low and staying out of sight. Flying higher into the sky probably didn't count as that.

Soon she was in the clouds. Her eyes watered from the mixture of speed and wind rushing past her. She'd never flown this high before, and only for short bursts through the forest after Endra or through the halls to her studies that Kye made her go to. She wiped the tears from clouding her vision.

She stopped and hovered for a moment trying to get her thoughts together. Thinking straight so high up though where the air was thinner wasn't as easy as you'd think though. She felt dizzy and suddenly everything tilted violently. the sky flipped upside down and the ground was over her head. the wind she felt going up was nothing like that speed she was at just free falling.

She was lucky though, she had managed to fly out of the town and over to the desert on the edge of the kingdom. A little ways away through the forest an abandoned looking church tower rose out of the trees in an eire fashion. A shudder went through her as she felt her powers going out. She hated to go towards the town but if she stayed up much longer then she wouldnt make it there in time.

As she started getting closer, she started getting closer to the ground. By the time her powers failed she was right on the outskirts of the village.


A/N GAH! WHY DO I ALWAYS DO DIS!??!?!??!!? I'm so sorry. It's been way too long. Some of you have been wondering why I wasn't updating and the reasons why is

1. School has started so I've been decresed of down time.

2. Swim practice has started. Another thing that decreases my free time.

3. I have been very busy

in short. There has been no time for me to do anything.

Another thing though. There's new things in Minecraft! IN the newest update there have been added mobs and new stones.

There might also be a new skin default. And a new character. She'll come in later.. Probably.

I'll try to update again soon!

SEE YA Foxes!!!

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