The warning was given

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A/N I did warn you I liked plot twists. Prepare your feels.


Mineral and the others spent the rest of the night dancing and rocking out until it ended at Midnight.

"Well that's the end folks!" DJ Blaze said "Have a safe trip home! Peace out!" and she shut it down.

"That was fun" Budder said as they staggered back to the castle.

"Sure was" Mineral said with a big yawn. Kye laughed.

"I don't know about you guys but I am dead tired" Quartz said earning a laugh from everyone.

"That" Fluffy said "That was a bad pun" She hung onto his arm

"I know" Quartz said closing her eyes and letting him guide her.

"Hey look" Budder said watching them "A guide bacca" Everyone laughed including Fluffy. He reached down and plucked Quartz off the ground and started to carry her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes.

"Hey! None of that tonight" a voice said from behind. Fluffy frowned and carefully set Quartz back on the ground as there parents caught up to them.

"You two are staying in your own rooms tonight" Jerome said walking next to Fluffy.

"Yep, and we're going to keep it that way" Deadlox said walking next to Quartz. She sighed heavily

"Dad, cant you trust me?" She asked looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Fight it, dude, fight it" Jerome said from the other side.

"Sorry Quartz but tonight I'm going to make sure. Just to be safe" He flashed her a smile. Quartz looked away glumly.

Mineral stifled a laugh with a yawn. She looked around and suddenly felt very lonely. Everyone was with there parent. Budder was with Sky, Kye notch and even Endra was hanging with Phil and Jonas. Mineral, she was left on her own. No one with her. She drifted to the back and felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up with tired eyes to see Brandon looking down at her.

"Getting tired?" He asked. In response Mineral stifled another yawn.

"Just a bit" She admitted. He brushed some hair out of her face and pulled her close. She let him

"Here, let me help you back" He said. Mineral suddenly didn't feel right and brushed his arm off.

"I'll be alright" She said as they entered the gates "I think I can make it to my room alright" she said as she headed in. She walked in silence to her room, undressed and pulled on some comfortable pajamas and slipped into bed. Rancune was downstairs sleeping in the main hall. The instant her head hit the pillow she was out like a light.

Mineral was woken two hours later by something poking her in the back. She brushed it off and ignored it. 

"Mineral" a small voice called. Mineral shifted slightly.

"Mineral" the voice asked again. She turned over and saw two little  faces peering over at her.

"Angel? Creed? What are you two doing in here?" Mineral asked looking at them. She rubbed sleep from her eyes.

"We had a nightmare" Angel said looking up at her with tired eyes.

"Ok. well, why are you in here?" Mineral asked. Creed was trying to get up but started slipping back. Mineral grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him up.  He instantly crawled over her and under the covers. Angel wasn't far behind and crawled up with no problem.

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