The second half!

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A/N And here it is! :D


Jerome, Sky, Fluffy, Bajan and Cap were following the map through the forest, looking for the clearing. They had set out right after the meeting and had been walking for almost three hours already.

"Can we take a break" Sky asked. The other four stopped and looked back at him.

"No" Bajan said before smiling "Besides, you could use the exercise" Jerome laughed a bit but stopped when Sky shot him a glare.

"We're almost there, do you still have the sword?" Fluffy asked looking at Sky. He rolled his eyes and pulled out Herobrine's sword.

"Of course I still have it!" He said "Don't you trust me?" He asked swinging it around.

"Can you please put that away?" Cap asked stepping back to dodge the blade. Sky sighed heavily and stopped before putting it back in it's sheath.

"Fine" Sky mumbled. Cap nodded and they started walking again. Bajan looked down at the map again then up again confused.

"What? What's wrong?" Jerome asked worried and started looking around.

"The clearing should be right here" Bajan said looking around. Everyone's faces dropped.

"So we came all the way out here just to turn around because the place on the map doesn't exist?" Sky asked getting mad "No, I don't know about you guys but I'm not giving up just yet" And with that Sky grabbed the map and started walking again, all tiredness gone and replaced with determination. The others stared at first before following. Soon a clearing did come into view.

"I told you" Sky said rolling up the map. He stepped into the clearing but stopped as a rumbling noise starting in the center and started making its way towards them. From the middle a tower of stone rose ten blocks. On the top a hooded figure looked down at them. He just stood there as the rumbling continued. Chests started to rise from the ground around the pillar as well as pressure plates surrounding each one. When the rumbling finally ended an ender chest popped out of the ground next to Sky.

"Put the sword in there" the figure said from on top of the tower. The others jumped back in surprise.

"What?" Sky asked looking at him. The figure mumble something before shouting.

"Put the sword in the ender chest!" Sky nodded and popped the lid open. He carefully set the sword in and closed the top before looking back at the figure. he was nodding.

"In one of these chests is one of the children. Find her and you can keep her. There will be a note in there with her telling you about the next part" The figure started to disappear but said something right before he was gone completely "Also, watch out for the pressure plates. There's TNT under some of them" and he was gone.

Sky had been in mid step when the person had said that and halted abruptly, foot hovering over a pressure plate. He pulled it back as the others came up behind him.

"what do we do now? We cant get anywhere close to a chest without stepping on a pressure plate" Bajan said surveying the clearing.

"And there have to be about a hundred different chests out there. It'll take too long to go through all of them" Jerome said looking out. "I mean, how could we? She'll probably die of heat stroke if we don't get to her in time and going through all those chests will take too long"

Cap was walking around the edge of the clearing, examining at the problem they faced.

"There are two different types of pressure plates in the clearing" He said out loud to himself.

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