Something's happened

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A/N Hi. I have not abandoned you, dont worry. I've just been super busy with a lot of different things. First I want to say thank you for over 600 followers. That's awesome. Second, there is now a dare book out where you can dare me, Phil or any of the other characters from any of my books anything you want. Next, I'm sorry for not updating again, Like I said I've been really busy. School is almost out and finals are coming up soon so I wont be on long at all to work. Anyways, you're probably waiting for the story. Here you go ^^


"Your deadline is almost up" he said staring at her "and they're getting closer to finding me"

"Don't worry" she said sitting on her bed "I've got until tomorrow yet don't I? It'll be done by then"

"It better be. Otherwise it's more than your profit you'll loose"

"How much more?" She asked, eyes narrowing

"What do you hold most dear to yourself?" He asked smirking, red eyes glowing brighter in amusement. Fear washed over her as she looked into them.

"You wouldn't, I'm one of your best!" She argued. The darkness surrounding them thickened.

"There are others" he shrugged. "And they can be persuaded easier than you could Lora. Remember that"

"So you want it done sooner? I can get it done sooner" she said, almost pleading now but she would never stoop that far.

"Get it done tomorrow or else" he said "if you have troubles maybe you could ask your mother" a smirk crawled onto his face.

"Never. She's the one who married the monster and abandoned me. I will never ask her for help" her eyes glint with ins head tears but anger lit them from behind. Israphel only chuckled.

"I realize you and her dot get along but she is the best with potions. She could be a valuable reserve to you" he said with a smirk. She snorted.

"More like I was. She used me then dumped me, I will never forgive her" she said "I won't even say her name it disgusts me so much" she spat out. Another chuckle came from Israphel.

"You hate her that much?" He said

"Yes! Have I not made that clear enough?!" Her anger was starting to get ahold of her and she couldn't stop. Lights flickered in the darkness as memories started to play out in them. Israphel watched them with a smirk.

"Yes, it seems like you really hate her" he said staring at one.

It showed Lora and a dark haired woman with a similar face walking together in a field. She was about seven and the woman looked no older than thirty. They were laughing and playing together in the flowers. She picked several and handed them to her mother. Lora banished the thought in an instant.

"I do, and I will never forgive her" she said looking away.

"Then our business here tonight is finished" Israphel said clapping his hands. Every light that had appeared was gone.

The morning light shone in through the window illuminating the room. The day was bright, birds were singing outside and it was neither too hot or too cold. It seemed like a perfect day, except for what was to happen that day.

With a sigh Lora got out of bed and went through the daily act. Get dressed, bathroom, and get ready to act like the daughter of a murderer.

"Why'd I sign up for this again?" She asked herself staring in the mirror. Her natural red roots were starting to grow through again and it was obvious the potion was wearing off. Her face was going back to its original shape, her skin loosing some of the freckles and her eyes were turning froom the light blue back to the steely grey they once were. It was only a matter of time before she would look like she used to. younger by a couple years and nothing at all like that monster's daughter.

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