We need to talk. Now

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A/N Hey! Just wanted to say the new cover comes to you from @Straycookie on  Deviant art. She's awesome and I've been meaning to change it to this one for a while. just kept forgetting :P Anyways

Onto the story. Prepare the feels


she paced back and forth in her room.

I have to do something to get her alone but what? She thought I can't just ask her to talk, she knows who I am. or at least, who I'm not.

She walked out onto the balcony and looked around. It was the middle of the day, everything was between calm and chaos in the town. Just enough foot traffic to keep people busy but not enough to make them mad. It seemed to her that everyone down there was always happy. She needed to change that, even if it was only one person.

A nock interrupted her thoughts and a familiar voice came through after.

"Hey Crystal, can I come in? It's me, Budder"

A grin formed on her face.

"Hold on! I've got to get ready" She replied, a plan forming in her mind.

Mineral marched up the steps of the tower and burst through the door to Seto's study. When she had come back to the castle she had wasted no time in going to see him. He had a lot of explaining to do.

She made it to his door and didn't stop to knock, bursting through only to see Seto running around as if trying to hide something. She knew what it was.

Seto was still running around, he hadn't noticed Mineral walk in and she was now leaning against the door frame watching him silently.

"Lose something?" she asked. Seto jumped in surprise and whipped around. His eyes showed his panic before he gained control of himself and stood up straight.

"No, just misplaced" he said flashing a smile. Mineral didn't return it and his faltered before he turned away.

"So, Mineral-" he started. She raised her hand, stopping him.

"I know you know" she said. "And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about"

Seto stared at her in shock.

"H- how did you know?" Seto said "I haven't told anyone. I promise" Mineral snorted and walked into the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

"I know, but it seems there's a nosy enderman in the castle who learned about it" She said. Seto stared at her for a moment before it sank in. He again started to run around the office space before he finally bringing out a book.

"What's that?" Mineral asked. Seto smiled and walked over to the desk in the corner.

"Its how the 'nosy enderman' found your secret. And how I knew who you were when we first met" Seto said opening it. He stepped aside and beckoned her forward. Mineral hesitated before walking closer to take a look. She picked up the book as she read.

On a calm, silent night, a baby girl was born. She wasn't like every other baby though. She had a special ability-

She looked up at Seto confused. The only response she got was a nod to keep reading. She did

It wasn't just the fact she had powers. No, what made her special was her father. A murderous, betraying man who was feared all over the world she was just born into. He was known for being a criminal and was despised as much as he was feared.

But the girl-

She was interrupted by screaming and shouting outside. One look over at Seto and they were both running out the door and into the hall. They weren't the only ones though. All the others had heard and come running too and they were all standing in the hall. Mineral had to push her way through the crowd to see what was going on. She froze in horror once she saw what was going on.

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