The actual end.

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A/N Alright, this is the last chapter. I proimse. Enjoy!

"I'm really sorry for before too!"

It's okay Phil. I'd just worry about the next part if I were you.


Endra looked between the two a couple times before disappearing in a puff of particles. She realized she probably shouldn't have done that.

"Been there for you? I was" Phil had stopped and turned around to look at his son. "I was always there"

"No you weren't!' Jonas yelled "you wee never there! you just- showed up five years ago right after mom died! I didn't even know you were still alive. Mom didn't know if you were alive! You left us, then came back and- expected it all to be good" his eyes shimmered with tears "You didn't raise me. you never had a chance to cause you didn't care"

Phil blinked. his face was blank but something about him had changed. He felt as if he had been hit straight in the chest with a tree. Shaking his head he let out a sigh.

"I was there, I visited whenever I could find the time which wasn't often. Herobrine had me working 24/7 usually and I didn't want him to find out about you two. He would've used you against me, made sure I didn't mess up. If he had found out there would be nothin from stopping him from killing you and your mother. I was trying to protect you" he said, his voice soft and full of obvious pain.

Jonas shook his head, still too angry "No, you could've quit. you always threaten that anyways! You always make up an excuse for something! Some way to make it seem like you're not the bad guy! I'm sick of it" he glared. A pang of guilt swept through Phil and he looked down.

"If that's what you think" he sighed "fine. You can go home and pack your bags. if you don't want to talk to me it fine. I was already on my way to get your brother though, if you want to come alright. if you don't, have fun wherever you're going" Phil said and turned his back. Jonas stared after as he walked away down the street.


Lora sat in one of the recliners in the living room sipping a cup of coffee. The twins were still up in their room, hopefully asleep, and she had just fished Colin out of the tub and put him in the spare bedroom after drying him off.

It was a quiet night, nothing going on much in the forest outside. occasionally she could see a zombie wandering through the trees or hear the sound of an enderman teleporting around. but so far nothing had bothered the house or her.

From one of the bookshelves she had picked a book and was reading it as she drank her coffee. it was some sort of teen novel where a girl was lost in the city trying to look for a way to make some money after running from the cops on a false charge. She had just gotten to the part where the girl ran into someone she knew as she was working when there was a knock at the door.

"Looks like she's home" Lora said surprised. Briar said she wouldn't be home until later, maybe even the next day. Shrugging, she put the book down on the arm rest of the chair and walked to the door.

"How w-" she stopped halfway through the sentence with the door wide open. It wasn't Briar on the other side.

Herobrine grinned in the doorway "not who you were expecting?" he asked. Lora took a step back in shock.

"You're not welcome here" She said trying to regain her composure. Her eyes darted around for a weapon she could use. There didn't seem to be much she could use that would actually hurt him.

"Aren't I?" Herobrine asked stepping inside. He moved out of the way and Steve followed him in. He closed the door behind him.

"Both of you quiet" Steve shot a glare at each of them "we don't want the kids to wake up"

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