There will be murder

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A/N Hold your feels, things are about to get more intense than they were. Just a warning.


Angel woke up in a cold sweat. It had been several days after she was rescued and she was still in the hospital wing because of her arm. She sat p in her bed and looked around. It was the middle of the night and the whole place was dark. She couldn't see anyone around besides several other patience sleeping peacefully in there own beds. Suddenly she heard a rustling sound coming from under her bed. Angel froze and listened, not believing it was real. When it came again she pulled the cover over her head and curled up underneath terrified. She heard whatever it was crawl out and then felt it jump onto the bed. It moved unsteadily up towards her making her heart beat even faster than it already was. Angel squeezed her eyes closed in terror. The thing moved past her and up to the top of the covers.

Angel stared up at the top of the covers as they started to quiver. She watched as a small nose poked through, followed by a head and then body.

"it's you!" Angel said smiling as the pup crawled to her and laid down next to her. Angel pulled the covers back down from over there heads and hugged the little wolf pup tightly. He didn't seem to mind and only cuddled closer to her. Her eyes started to close again and she didn't notice the larger wolf walk in and over to the bed. It lied down next to the bed and kept watch as the two in it drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Mineral woke next to the bed in the cell. Something had awaken her but she didn't know what. Looking around a sudden thought hit her. She looked at the bed and found Creed gone.

"Creed" She called quietly "Where are you?" She waited for an answer but when none came after three minutes she jumped up and started looking around the cell.

"Creed" Mineral called again, starting to panic even more. There was a moan from the other side and she rushed towards it. She found him curled up in a ball holding his stomach in pain.

"Oh Creed" She said and gently picked him up before sitting down right where he had just been. She carefully set him on her lap, cradling him as he clutched his stomach.

The guards had refused to feed them but the day Angel was taken one of the guards had come and given them two loafs of bread. That was all gone now. It had been for three days now. The guards only came in once a day to take them for torture and then brought them back here right after. They both had plenty of scars now and new ones appeared every day.

"It's ok Creed, we'll get out of here soon" She said.

A noise came from outside the door and she looked up in fear. Quickly, she carried Creed over to the bed and put him under it to try and hide him. The door opened just as she sat back against the wall. One hooded guard, who she had now come to know as one of the bosses it seems, walked un, closing the door until only a sliver of light came in. Mineral stared at him as he slowly made his way over to them.

"What do you want?" Mineral spat at him. He stopped making Mineral smile.

"What? Forget I'm a person to?" She asked standing up. The guard took a step back while grabbing something from under his cloak.

"Don't even think about it" Mineral growled taking a defensive stance.

"I'm not going to hurt you" The guy said pulling the thing out "You are hungry, right?" he asked. Mineral looked closer and saw he was holding a small basket with two loafs of bread and some cooked meat. She shook her head trying to clear it.

"Why should I trust you?" She asked, still staring at the food. She could have sworn she saw a small glint of a smile as he set the basket down and pushed it towards her with his foot.

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