Chapter 3

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After the movie, the 5 slices of pizza, and cuddling, I went back home. But Cameron didn't want me to walk back home alone so he walked with me.

"Cameron, my house is literally two houses down from yours. Remember?"

"Yeah, I know. Just making sure." He said smiling.

I looked at my phone and it was already 10:30. I have school tomorrow so I kinda wanted to sleep early. My dad was at work until 1 in the morning, and I'll probably be asleep by then. We came to a stop in front of my house.

"Alright, Cameron. Goodnight bestie!" I said. "See you tomorrow." I opened the door and glanced at Cameron.

"Wait. Where's my hug?" I hug Cameron tightly. I try to pull off a little bit, but he doesn't let go. We just stay in the same position for about 30 seconds until he lifts me up a little bit with my toes barely touching the ground. Then he sets me down.

"Bye Cameron."

"Bye Leah."

I woke up the next morning to my alarm on my phone. Oh great. School. I forgot how early I have to wake up to get ready. So I take a shower using body wash. It was the first day of school, so I might as well smell like Vanilla Bean Noel, only the greatest scent Bath & Body Works created. I step out of the shower and put on the black dress Cameron and I picked out yesterday. Then I start to blow dry my hair. I've never really liked my hair because it tangles so fast. But you get what you get. I stood in front of the mirror for a couple of minutes trying to decide what to do with my hair. That's it! I'll make some waves by braiding my hair and using my straightener. When I'm done with my hair, I usually do my make up, but I was too lazy today, so I just put on some concealer and very light mascara. I walk downstairs to find my dad.

"Good morning, daddy!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning, Leah. You look beautiful today!" He says.

"What are you trying to say? That I don't look pretty everyday?" I say jokingly. I laugh to reassure him it was just a joke. He laughs back.

"I made you some eggs and bacon."

"Thanks, Dad." Ever since Mom died, it just hasn't been the same. I mean, it's not like he's abusive or anything, he just kinda lost his sparkle. I grab some bread so I can make the eggs and bacon into a sandwich. I look at the clock and see it's already 6:30. The bus arrives at 6:40, so I decided to leave. I hug my dad and tell him good bye.

"I love you, Dad."

"Love you too." I left my house feeling like I left something behind. I had my PINK mint green bag, a pencil and a pen, a notebook, and my phone. Check, check and check. What was I forgetting? Then, I remembered. A piece of my dad I would probably never get back.

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