Chapter 11

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I sit down wiping my legs in astonishment. Cameron just went to get some food, so he wasn't here to see Cole standing in front of me. How did Cole get these seats that are coincidentally right next to ours. UGHHH! I look behind Cole and I see two really attractive guys. Cole offers to help me, but I deny his help. After all, I don't want Cameron to see Cole wiping my thighs. I sit down, dry legs and all and Cole introduces me to his friends.

"This is Will." He pointed to a guy with a perfect color red hair. He has gorgeous bright blue eyes and he was wearing a Nick Young Lakers jersey with camo pants. I reached out my hand to shake his hand.

"And this is Dominick." Cole nodded his head toward a boy with light brown hair that was almost identical to Cameron's. He had luminous green eyes that almost seemed to glow. Dominick was wearing a Jodi Meeks Lakers jersey with dark skinny jeans. I shook his hand and he winked at me. I blushed. Cameron returned from the food stand and squeezed in between Cole, Will, and Dominick not realizing Cole. Cam sat next to me and glanced to hi right. His eyes were spread wide and his mouth was open.

"Hey." Cole said.

"Uh, heey Cole." Cam said nervously.

"Did you invite him?" Cam whispered in my ear.

"No. It was just a coincidence he was sitting right next to us." Cam put his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes.

"Alright, well lets try to ignore him. I am not going to let him and his friends ruin my date with you." He said as he put his arm around me. With my peripheral vision I saw Cole's jaw clench and his hands ball up into a fist. The lights began to dim and the Lakers' introduction started. The team we were going against was OKC Thunder. I love Lakers, but OKC was better. During halftime the girls in super short shorts and too tight tank tops danced. I was disgusted that Cole and his friends were practically drooling when my Cameron was staring at me the whole time. That's another reason why I loved Cameron. No matter how hot a girl, he still chose me over him. Through the whole game Cole didn't say a word to me not even a smile or a wink. I didn't know if I was offended or happy, but it didn't really affect me that much. After the game, me and Cameron were still hungry, so we decided to go to Chipotle. I ordered a bowl while Cameron ordered a burrito. I pulled out my wallet when Cam stopped me.

"It's okay. I got this." He said as he handed the cashier the money. I smiled and put my arms around his waist and sat down in our regular spot right in the center of the restaurant. We ate our food laughing and cracking jokes.

"Do you want to go to a party next week? Chris is throwing one."

"Yeah sure. Our first senior party!" I say pumping my fist in the air.

We get to my house and Cameron opens the car door on my side. I get out of the car and approach my door. Cam catches up to me and looks deep into my eyes.

"I had a really fun time tonight, Leah."

"I did too." I say smiling.

"So, do you kiss a girl on the first date or on the second date?"

"You tell me." He leans in slowly looking at my eyes and my lips. And finally our lips collide. His hands cupped my face and my surroundings suddenly became a blur. This always happens when Cameron kisses me, I just get lost into it. Cameron slowly pulls away as we were both loosing our breath.

"Forever and always Leah."

"Forever and always." I said back to Cam.

A/N: I plan to end this story after the party so it'll be soon. I'm sorry to disappoint, but please continue to read, vote, and comment in my other story. I promise it'll be more interesting. I love you guys!

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