Chapter 9

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Cameron's POV

Me and Leah hop into the car, and I am so happy Mr. Connor is acting like his old self today. He was the one to introduce me to basketball. My dad wanted me to do baseball, but it just wasn't my thing, so Mr. Connor taught me how to play basketball. I tell Leah that her dad acting different is a sign and that today will be the best day ever. After seconds of silence in the car, I decide to break it. I put one hand on Leah's face and the other still on the steering wheel.

"So, Leah. I've been thinking. We haven't really gone on a date yet." It was true. Because I asked her on a weekday, I felt like we should go on a date over the weekend or something.

She looked at me with wide eyes full of hope.

"Oh yeah! Where do you think we should go?"

"I got two tickets to the LA Lakers basketball game for tomorrow... Do you wanna go?" I didn't want to ask her to go to some fancy restaurant because I know she's not that type. It would be fun seeing her in a beautiful dress and all, but when it comes to dating, she doesn't like the lovey dovey fancy kind of stuff. I remember one time she said that that stuff was too cliche. Her eyes lit up with excitement. She's been playing basketball since she was little.

"Yes, yes, yes! She said throwing her hands up in the air."

"Great!" I said laughing at her reaction.

We finally get to school, so I park the car in the parking lot. I run up to Leah's side of the car and open the door for her. She thanked me and walk to the main entrance with my arm around her shoulder. As we walk inside, I say good bye and kiss her on the cheek, move up to her nose, and then lastly up to her forehead.

"Bye Cameron."

Leah's POV

I was so glad Cameron asked me to go to the Lakers game with him. I didn't want to go to some silly restaurant. Too cliche. I say bye to Cameron and go to French class. I sit next to Cole discussing about how we should present in a few minutes, but all I could feel was Cole's eyes on me. I keep on talking until he takes my face in both of his hands and looks into my eyes.

"You're really pretty. You're boyfriend's a lucky guy." He just stares into my eyes while I stare into his. Mr. Eloir walks in, breaking our gaze.

The rest of school went along pretty easy, and I was so excited to go home to hear what my dad had to say. I meet up Cameron by his car in the parking lot. He was already there leaning on the black porsch. I run up to hug him tightly.

"I'm excited to go home. I hope my dad doesn't say anything stupid to you to embarrass me." He pushes the hair out of my eyes.

"It's okay. Better than nothing." I go into the car practically jumping in my seat the whole ride home, and before I knew it we were here. I run into the house shouting.

"Dad! I'm home! What did you want to tell me?" I see him sitting on the couch watching basketball. Cameron trailed behind me.

"Oh hey, Leah Lemon. Let's go up to your room. It's a bit private." He says with a big smile.

I follow him up to my room while Cameron sits on the couch and continues the basketball game my dad was watching. I sit on my bed. Dad takes both of my hands and sits on my bed with me too.

"I'm sorry I've been so absent Leah. I've just been really upset about your mom. I know it's been a couple years since her passing, but I loved her so much. You looked almost exactly like her, so it hurt to just look at you. It's not your fault though, it was mine. From now on, I'll make sure to be the Dad I was before. I just wanted to say this because I have been going to counseling, and I thought it was time to say this to you. Oh, and by the way, I know you and Cameron are dating." He says with a chuckle. I didn't even realize I was crying. My dad wipes the tears from my eyes.

"I'm sorry my Leah Lemon." I cry even harder and hug him as tight as I could never wanting to let him go.

"I love you daddy."

"Love you too." He helps me up and heads downstairs so he can talk to Cameron. I was really nervous with butterflies in my stomach. Cameron hears us coming down the stairs so he gets up and brushes himself up. My dad shakes Cam's hand.

"Cam, dou you wan to take a step outside?"

"Sure, Mr. Connor."

Cameron's POV

Mr. Connor asks me to step outside to talk. I do as he says and wait for him to close the sliding door to the backyard.

Mr. Connor starts by saying, "Son, I may have been living under a rock for awhile and I do apologize. But I do know that you and Leah are dating. Son, I just wanted to say please take care of her. I don't want to see her get hurt."

"I love your daughter, sir. I will NEVER hurt her. Is it okay if I take her to the Lakers game tomorrow?" He slowly starts to smile.

"Of course! Only if I come though."

"I-I-I... Only b-bought t-t-wo." I stutter panicking. Mr. Connor starts to laugh hysterically and pats my back.

"Just kidding, Cam." I laugh too and we walk inside.

I see Leah sitting on the couch about to jump off her seat as I see Nick Young (a Lakers basketball player) about to shoot a three pointer the last few seconds of the third quarter. The shot went in.

"YEAHHH!" She lowers her voice when she turns around to see us. Everyone starts laughing, including me. I hear my stomach growl. I am pretty hungry. Mr. Connor laughs.

"Here, why don't I order Chinese?"

After we eat Chinese, I decide to go home, so I say goodbye to Leah and Mr. Connor. I open the door to my house and all of the lights were shut off.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Nobody responds, but I hear a glass break. I go in the kitchen where the light is on, and hold up my fists just in case. I let my guard down only to see that my mom has drank the whole bottle of wine.

"Hiiiii honeeyyy." she slurred. "How'sss Leah?"

I sigh. "Mom, you're drunk."

"Shut up! No, I'mmm nottt!" She gets up from her seat and slaps me in the face. I look at her with hurt in my eyes. She's never hit me. It didn't really even hurt that much, but I started crying just for a second.

"Stop crying like a little bitchhh!" She yelled at me. I wanted to leave the house, but not when she's like this. So I took her up to the room where she already passed out. I slid a garbage can next to her just in case she needed to throw up. After that I left. I walked the Leah's house and to her backyard. I spotted the window to her room and threw rocks up there. Hopefully she was awake.

Leah's POV

I was just about to drift off to sleep, until I heard something ticking at my window. I open my window to see what it was and it was Cameron. Even though it was dark outside, I could see that the the right side of his face was all red.

"Cameron! What happened?"

"I'll explain once you let me up!" He said.

A/N: Sorry I changed it, but I didn't like how Gina was sleeping with someone else. It just didn't feel right. Otherwise a lot would be changed. But thanks! Vote plz!!

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