Chapter 5

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Leah's POV

After me and Cameron separated to find some friends, I decide to walk towards my first class, French. On my way there, I saw my friend Nicki, Lila, and Molly. I haven't see in them in so long. I've been spending so much time with Cameron over the past few summers. I don't know why, but I was kind of nervous to approach them. I feel like maybe they won't accept me as part of their group anymore, but I built up the courage to say hi in a matter of 10 seconds, shorter than usual.

"Hey guys! I've missed you!" I say. I didn't want to give them a hug just yet, in case they miss me too and embrace me. At first they just look at me as if they didn't know me but then they realized who I was.

"Oh my gosh! Leah, is that you? You look so different! You're gorgeous!!" Nicki said while hugging me tightly. All of the girls squeal in happiness.

"I'm sorry that I've been so distant from you guys! You know, with Cameron and all... He just makes me crazy."

"Awwuh." They all say in unison. But then I actually start thinking of Cameron. His perfect brown hair spiked to the side, and the hazel eyes that I can doze into for a million years. And that smile with straight flawlessly white teeth.

"Hellooo. Earth to Leah." Nicki starts laughing. "Damn, you are hooked." She said emphasizing the are.

"Oh, sorry. I am pretty hooked, but I better start heading to French. Bye guys!"

"Bye Leah!" They all say. I was pretty glad seeing that my friends were still by my side and weren't jealous of the time I've been spending with Cam. Only real friends stick by your side like that. After I walk down the hall and make a right, I arrive at French class.

"Ahh, Bonjour Ms. Connor."

"Bonjour, Mr. Eloir." I take my seat in the middle of the room, that way I'm not too much in the front, and not too much in the back. Then I see a boy walk in. Woah. This boy was hot! He had green blue eyes that pop every time you look into them and dark brown hair with a beanie propped on top. He was wearing black not too skinny skinny jeans and a hawaiian themed shirt that buttoned up.

"Hi." He said with a smile and came to sit on my left side. Yes! My good side.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" He asks.

"Go ahead." I say smiling.

"Are you new here?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, I just moved in by Grand Avenue. My name's Cole."

"Oh cool. I live by Peyton Drive. My name's Leah." Oh my gosh, this guy's voice was low, but not too low when he sounds like a pedophile, but a low, soothing voice.

"That's a really pretty name. For a really pretty girl." He says. I smile and blush like crazy.

"C-Cole's a pretty name too." Why the heck did I just say that? I panicked. But Cole just laughed. Then I started thinking about Cameron. I find Cole so attractive, but me and Cameron have more history, but I don't even know if Cameron likes me or not. At least Cole's dropping hints. Finally, the bell rang to distract me from the thought of Cam and Cole. The first two periods went by in a flash, so it was already third period Calculus, my first period with Cameron. For the first time, I'm actually excited to go to Calculus. I go up the two first flights of stairs to math class and guess who I see running up to me? Nope, not Cameron but Cole.

"Hey Leah." Cole says panting.

"Hey Cole. What class are you going to now?" I ask.

"Calculus with Mr. Hammon."

"Yay, me too!" I laugh and Cole laughs too. We walk up two more flights and I start getting really tired. Cole starts to hear me pant and asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just never get used to these stairs." He chuckles.

"Here." He says while he grabs my legs so that I'm on his back. "I'll piggy back you up until we get to Calculus." I wanted to say that he doesn't have to, but he was just so cute. Plus I feel like I'm going to pass out. He carries me one more flight of stairs, and we get to Calculus.

"Thanks Cole. I probably would have passed out if it wasn't for you." I say thankfully.

"No problem. You're pretty light, so it was easy." I blush.

Everybody in Calculus just stares at us, and then I remember Cameron. Shit, he was staring right at me, his smile starting to fade away. I brush off my dress, while Cole sits at an open seat near the back of the classroom. I sit next to Cameron.

"Hey Cam."

"Hey, who's that guy?" He said nodding to Cole.

"Oh. That's Cole. He's a new guy. He's nice." I saw Cameron glaring at Cole behind him. It was a good thing Cole wasn't looking at him because I thought Cameron looked weird staring at him. The rest of calculus was kind of awkward, but it wasn't too awkward. Good thing Cam was being himself and popping jokes once in a while. As usual, I laugh and try to hide my laugh from Mr. Hammon. Before I knew it Calc ended, and as I was about to go out the door with Cameron, Cole grabs my arm and whispers something in my ear.

"If you're tired tomorrow going up the stairs, call me." He gives me his number on a ripped piece of paper. Call me. (: 909-508-2167 I smile and resume walking with Cameron.

Cameron's POV

As we're about to head out from Calculus, Leah stops dead in her tracks and I see a head with a beanie come close to her ear. It was Cole. He gave her a piece of paper, I'm guessing with his number on it. Geez, Leah just met this dude, and he's already hitting on her. But Leah's mine. Forever and always.

Melanie's POV

The rest of school went by pretty fast considering all the fun I had. I start walking toward the bus stop with Cam since I have the last period with him.

"So, how do you like being a senior?" Cam asks me.

"Really good. I feel like such a princess since we're above everybody." I giggle.

" Well you are a princess. And you should be treated like one." He says seriously. He looks straight into my eyes, and my heart starts to beat 70 miles per minute.

"Can I ask you something?" Cam says holding my chin up to his face.

" Yeah, anything Cam." Suddenly the bus came and let out its exhaust from behind the bus interrupting our conversation. Me and Cameron were startled, but he grabs my hand and pulls me onto the bus. We sit down near the back and he continues what he was trying to say to me. He is still holding my hand and gently rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. Electricity shocks throughout my whole body. So this is how love is supposed to feel.

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