Chapter 4

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I left the house kind of sad, but the thought of Cameron cheered me up, making me smile. I go to Cameron's house and knock on his door. His mom opens the door and greets me a good morning.

"Good Morning Leah. Are you ready for your first day as a senior?" She says with a bright smile on her face. Her smile is almost totally identical as Cameron's. Thats partly why I love Mrs. Dallas.

"Good morning Mrs. Dallas. And I'm really excited! Is Cameron ready yet?" I ask almost too eagerly.

"Yup. Hold on. Cam Leah's here!" She shouted.

"Kay! Coming!" Cameron responded. I hear heavy footstep coming towards me and see Cameron coming up behind his mom.

"Bye Mom." He kisses her on the cheek. "Bye dad!" I hear Mr. Dallas mumble something to Cam, yet I can't make out what he was trying to say.

"Bye Leah!" Mrs. Dallas says. She gives me a hug goodbye and closes the door.

"Wow. You look... Gorg!" Cam says with a girly attitude. I laugh nearly snorting.

"Thanks you do too girlfriend!" I say copying the sound of his voice. He looked pretty hot. Cam was wearing camo pants and a black V neck with gray Vans. He poses because I guess he noticed me staring at him up and down.

"What about me? Seriously. How do I look?" I ask twirling in a circle so that my dress flows out.

"Perfect." He flashes that smile that always makes me melt.

"Well thanks. You ready to go?" He nods his head. We start making our way to the bus stop.

Cameron's POV

Me and Leah get to school right on time with just enough time to walk around and find some friends to talk to. Leah and I have third period Calculus together, fifth period Lunch, seventh period Biology, and ninth period Study Hall. I'm glad we have Biology together because it's an hour and ten minutes long. If Leah wasn't in Bio with me, I would probably die. But then again Bio is going to be my worst subject because I'll just be staring at her the whole time. So me and Leah separate and I go look for Chris, Andrew, and Mark. (I think these are actual friends of Cameron Dallas) I go to the cafeteria and look inside and find them sitting with some girl.

"Hey guys! What's up? I haven't seen my bros in the longest time!" I say hugging all of them in a group.

"Yeah bro, you've been hanging out with Leah! Did you get any yet?" Chris whispers laughing. Everybody else laughs.

"Nahh. She's not like that. I don't even know if she likes me like that." I say back.

"Dude, you know she does since sophomore year when you carried her to the-"Chris said interrupted by the girl sitting across from me.

"Hi, I'm Isabel. I don't think we've met before. But I've seen you at a few of Andrew's parties last year." She said. Her voice was a little bit high and squeaky, but it was bearable, amost kind of cute.

"Uh yeah. I'm Cameron." I say shaking her hand. She smiles and just makes awkward eye contact with me for a few seconds. I look away quickly. She is pretty though. She has fair, light skin and gray, blue eyes with perfectly brown hair. But she wasn't as perfect as Leah. Suddenly the bell rings, and that was all our cue to go to our first period classes.

"See you guys fourth period!" I say. But Isabel stays by my side just staring at me. I laugh.

"So I'm guessing you're in my first period English."

"Yeah. At least I have one class with you." She says giggling. I stare at her, smiling friendly. Then we walk to English which is only across the hall. Me and Isabel walk in silence and arrive together. She sits by me even though I see another girl waving at her telling her to sit by her. But she ignores her and shakes her head.

"So have you been friends with Chris for a long time?" She asks out of the blue.

"Yeah. Since like freshman year. What about you? I haven't seen you hanging around him before." She smirked.

"Yeah. I've known him since I was a baby." She said matter of factly.

"Oh, nice." How could she know Chris for that long? Chris would've told me about her if he's known her for this long.

"He's my cousin and all."

"Oh! For a second I thought you and him had something going on. I was going to say... Why wouldn't he tell me about you?"

"NO! He's like my brother. I moved with him and his family ever since my mom left me on their doorstep."

"I'm sorry. You didn't have to-" I was interrupted.

"It's okay. You didn't mean to. But anyways who's this girl Leah? Is she your girlfriend?" I get startled at the question she asked me.

"N-no. She's just my best friend. I've known her since we were six."

"Ohhh okay. By the look on your face, it looks like you want her to be more than that. Shhh. It's okay I can keep a secret." I grin at her. How could she have known that? I mean me and the guys were talking about Leah quietly. She couldn't have heard. Wow, Isabel was something else.

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