Chapter 7

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Cameron's POV

*Next day*

Then I remembered Isabel. I thought I liked her, but I just met her so I don't know that much about her.

"So I met a girl named Isabel." I said to Leah on our way to school. "She's Chris's cousin, but she's not nearly as beautiful as you are."

"Oh that's nice. Maybe I can meet her sometime." Leah says smiling.

Leah's POV

Cameron told me about Isabel, and surprisingly I wasn't that jealous. Then at that minute, I got a text from Cole. I texted him last night just to say hey and we ended up texting until 2 in the morning.

From Cole:D

If ur having a hard time going up the stairs today, I have no problem helping.

To Cole:D

Thanks, but no thanks Cole. I really appreciated it yesterday though. (:

From Cole:D

Okay. Np (:

Should I tell Cam about Cole. I mean, he probably already knows, but I want Cam to trust me.

"Cam, you know who Cole is right?" I ask him, and I see his face instantly wince.

"Yeah. What about him?"

"Don't get mad, but he gave me his number and I texted him yesterday. I only wanted to tell you because I think you should trust me. I love you, and that's all that matters." I say making sure to look deep into his eyes so that he believes me.

"Alright, but if I find out anything going on about you and Cole, I don't know what I would do. I can't think of anyone stealing you away from me. Forever and always, Leah." I could tell Cam was serious. I actually couldn't believe we were together. One second I daydream about how warm it feels to be in his arms, and the next second he's kissing me under the sunset. It was all too perfect. When we get to school, me and Cameron walk out of the bus together holding hands.

"I'll miss you for the first two periods." Cam says.

"I'll miss you too." I say. He give me a soft kiss on the lips, moves up to my nose, and finally the last kiss on my forehead. I see Nicki, Lily, and Molly staring at me through the window with their mouths open wide. I wave and smile at them jumping for joy. With that, they knew that I finally had Cameron. I rush into the school on the other side of the window to my friends.

"AAHHH!" We all scream.

"How? When? Where?" Molly asks holding both of my hands.

"Okay, well after school yesterday he took me to the pond with my favorite flowers, and asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Awuuhh!" I laugh loudly and say goodbye to them.

"Bye guys! Gotta get to class! See ya later!"

"Bye Leah!" As my normal routine, I make my way to French. As I walk in, I see Cole on his phone, but immediately locks it and puts it in his pocket once I walk in. I sit next to him and give his shoulder a little push.


"Hi beautiful. Thanks for keeping me up last night! Geez, I was obviously trying to sleep" Cole says jokingly.

"You were the one who was begging me not to stop texting you!"

"True." He says with a smirk. And with that the bell rang.

"Bonjour, class! Today you will get to pick partners with someone and start your first project about the Eiffel Tower. This project will be due Friday in which you will present to the entire class. Alright, you may pick your partners now." Mr. Eloir expains while rubbing his hands together. Cole turns to face me slowly. He smiles and says "Hey partner."

"Hey partner." I say laughing. He scoots in closer to me to discuss the time we can work on the project. I tell him the times I'm free, but realize I really don't have that much free time now that I'm with Cameron.

"Well actually," I start to say, "I can't really do those times... I mean my boyfriend and I..." I don't know what to say. I just ramble on hoping that maybe he will catch on.

"Oh. I didn't know you had one, but that doesn't mean we can't still be friends."

"Yeah." I say truthfully. "But maybe I can do Wednesday after school and Thursday after school."

"Cool. Works for me." He winks, and I unintentionally blush. Right on time, the bell rings for passing period. Thank goodness. Throughout the whole day, I see Cameron through the halls, and so does he. He usually gives me a hug and kisses me on the head or walks me to my next class even though his class is on the opposite end of the school. He's so sweet. I was so happy to call him my boyfriend.

After school,Cameron came over.

"Dad, I'm home. With Cameron!" No response. I walk to the kitchen and see a note that says "I went to get groceries. Help yourself to some snacks. I love you." I crumpled up the note and clutched it in my hand. He didn't even say Hi like he used to or draw funny faces on the corner of the sticky note. I' ll just have to accept him the way he is now. Cameron walks up behind me and hugs me.

"I'm hungry. What do you have to eat?" He looks in the fridge. Nothing. In the pantry, he finds rice crispy treats.

"Yes! Jackpot!" He laughs and so do I. I've been thinking why Cam asked me out and why all of a sudden. I interrupt his eating.

"Cam, why did you suddenly ask me out? Why so all of a sudden?" His face looked shocked.

"I've liked you since before you even liked me. I guess yesterday was the day my courage was finally there." I was dreading the words before I even said them.

"Did someone force you to do this? Was asking me out some kind of dare or?" He looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"W-why would you say that? Leah, I've loved you since the day we became friends. If you think that asking you to be my girlfriend was some big whoop? It's harder than it looks Leah. To ask a girl as someone as pretty as you." He says with water welling up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Cam. I've felt the same way for so long, so it just surprised me all of a sudden you decide to ask me out. I've loved you Cam and only you? It just felt too perfect to finally call you mine. I'm sorry." I say. I could feel a tear streaming down my face. I didn't mean to hurt Cameron, I just didn't want to get hurt after I fall deeper in love with him. I hug Cameron and sit on his lap. He just hugs me back and slowly whispers something in my ear.

"Forever and always Leah."

For the first time I reply back, "Forever and always, Cam."

A/N: Thanks for all of the advice and and reads guys! Thank you for all of the support. Just bear with me though. There will be more interesting drama. Thanks sooo much again! (:

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