Chapter One

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There was a chill in the air, and I tugged my jacket closer around me. Thunder rolled across the sky, and somehow I knew a storm was looming, but yet I didn’t have the sense to find shelter. I just kept walking, tuning out the constant chatter of people around me.

It was just as I was deep in my thoughts, the heavens opened, and torrents of water started pouring from the sky.  

It took me a while to react, and after a few seconds of standing in the rain, I started to run for shelter with everyone else. No one had expected it to rain in Paris, during spring, including me. Suddenly I felt someone pushing behind me, and I just lost my balance, landing hard on one knee.

“Shit,” I muttered. I quickly tried to get up to inspect the damage done, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. I must have fallen pretty hard, because it was bleeding, and I could see a purple bruise starting to form. The rainwater running over it wasn’t exactly helping either, and it was beginning to sting a bit.

I knew I had to get up and get out of the rain, but I couldn’t exactly move very quickly. All I could do was slowly limp in the direction of the shops and let the rain soak me even more.

It must have been quite a pathetic sight to see.  I winced with every step I took. The pain was overwhelming. Just as I was about to fall over again, I felt someone support me from behind. Whoever that person was, I really loved him/her at that moment.


The rain pelted down on me from above. But I didn’t care; I didn’t have time to care. I had an urgent task to fulfill, and I’d get slaughtered if I didn’t complete it, literally. My eyes were glued onto my target, a tall-build blonde with a red umbrella. Not very difficult to lose sight of, I thought. 

I scanned the area quickly with my eyes, to see if anything suspicious was going on. Well I didn’t see anything much, but something really… Cute, caught my eye. Someone, not something. He was dressed in red jeans and a white T-shirt, limping like a one-legged duck in the pouring rain. I smirked to myself at the sight of him. How cute.

I kept staring at him, amused, until I was awakened from my trance by a loud, piercing sound of a car’s honk. I remembered my task and anxiously looked around, in hope that I didn’t lose the blonde. “Damn it, damn that cute limping duck,” I cursed under my breath.  Sighing to myself, I decided to help him.

I was just a few metres away from him when I saw him lose his balance. I had no idea how, but he just did. Instinctively, I rushed over and caught him from behind. He quickly got up and his cheeks reddened. I couldn’t help but smile. Adorable, just bloody adorable. He muttered a “thanks” and tried to walk away with his head down. Well, he could if he wasn’t so badly injured.

“You’re bleeding, and you’re soaked. We could go to that little café down the corner of the street? I mean, if you like?” I offered, smiling the most genuine smile I could manage. He looked at me doubtfully before nodding slowly. Then he was back at looking down at the ground again.

I fished out my handkerchief from my pocket and pressed it to his leg, and I saw him wince. I silently chided myself for being so careless, but I have to admit it all just made him look even more adorable.

I took off my jacket and put it over his head. Don’t want him getting sick now do we. I put my arm around his waist to support him. He stiffened under my arm.  I smirked. I knew he was looking at me from the corner of his eye, but I just looked straight ahead, trying to contain my amusement.

We walked in silence towards Julia’s Café, my favourite café of all time.  They had the best caramel macchiato ever, and I absolutely loved it.


That was so embarrassing. I can’t believe I tripped. What did I trip on? Well, I tripped on air, and almost fell. In fact, I fell on a total stranger who was kind enough to catch me, and now we’re going for coffee?! What is wrong with your brain, Louis? What if he turns out to be a total creep? What if he follows me home? Oh sweet God why did I even agree to this.

I looked at him through the corner of my eye. He was smiling to himself. I’m more than convinced now that he’s totally perverted and a creep. I started thinking about all the sinister and evil things that he could do to me.

I continued looking at him until I saw him smirking gleefully to himself. Damn it. He must have seen me looking. In my mind, I was hitting myself with a chair over and over again. God, what if he thinks I’m gay and that I’m interested in him? I definitely didn’t though. Obviously.

After what seemed like forever, we finally got to the café, which was warm and cozy, and I must say I was definitely glad to be out of the cold. The waitress instantly rushed over. She was dressed in a white blouse and a black skirt, which, might I add, was very short. The top three buttons of her blouse were unbuttoned, revealing way too much cleavage. Her stilettos were at least 3 inches high. I shuddered.

“Hi, what would you like to drink?” she purred flirtatiously at him.

“I would like to have a caramel macchiato please,” he smiled at her. “Oh, okay,” she replied, as though shocked that he didn’t flirt back with her. Well I was shocked too. I mean, damn she was hot, and he looked like the sort who would flirt with any woman he met on the street. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her ask me what I wanted to have. I just shook my head. I wanted to be out of this place as soon as possible.

She nodded and walked away, leaving me alone with him.

“So, how’s your leg? What’s your name, by the way?” he asked. I paused for a moment before replying him. “Uh… F-fine… I’m L-louis…” I stammered. That man laughed again. Seriously, I wonder if he’s normal. What’s so funny anyway, I didn’t do anything did I?

“But you’re still bleeding, so I thought I’d drive you to the hospital nearby after you’re warmed up? My car is just down the street, and I could drive you back home after that? I mean uh, if you like?” he offered.

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