Chapter Twenty-Six

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Here's the next chapter! :D Sorry it's pretty late, but here it is anyway :)


“I want you to convince Louis to come home. Harry’s a sobbing mess right now; how is he supposed to go deal with Clark like that?” Zayn was talking to Niall over the phone. He was right; Louis was at Niall’s place. There I was again, being a total coward. I didn’t dare to tell Louis that I’d actually thought of killing his best friend; I didn’t dare to tell Niall that I was supposed to kill him. I didn’t dare say anything. Zayn was the one who had hurt Louis but yet he was willing to come here and tell the both of us what he had done.

That’s the difference between Zayn and I. He was always the more rational one, so to speak. He knew the right time to do the right thing. But I never could sort out my priorities at all, and I never seemed to be able to tell right from wrong. Maybe that was why Louis was upset with me now. I didn’t know what to do and what not to do, so I couldn’t really blame him.

I could only blame myself.

“Alright, Niall’s going to help convince Louis to come home.” Zayn grinned at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Do you think Lou will come back though?” I asked quietly, and Zayn’s grin softened into something like sympathy. He seemed to be looking for the right answer to reply me with; like he was afraid that one wrong word would start the waterworks on me again.

“Yeah, sure, why wouldn’t he? I’m sure he’s just upset at the moment and really overwhelmed by the information we just threw at him. He still loves you, that’s for sure.”

“How would you know that he still loves me?”

“I just know,” Zayn replied simply. “And besides, surely he’d listen to Niall, his best friend?”

That was a good point. I nodded.

“Zayn, am I an asshole for yelling at Louis like that when everything was clearly my fault?” I knew that everything was my fault, but earlier, it just felt like Louis didn’t care. I knew Zayn was going to say that I wasn’t though.

“Yeah, you kind of are, Harry,” he replied after pausing for a little while, hesitation evident in his eyes. I was taken by surprise by his answer. “You didn’t dare to tell Louis everything yourself, so you made me, and when I did, he didn’t take it too well that his boyfriend was a lying coward. And he had to express his anger and hurt, so he shouted at you, but you shouted back when you were clearly wrong.

I’m not saying that everything is your fault; everything is Clark’s fault and you know it. I know you feel guilty about dragging Louis into this, and you feel frustrated that he couldn’t understand you, but you shouldn’t have yelled at him and told him to “piss off”. That would just set off another bomb in him, and it did.” Zayn sighed.

He made a lot of sense, and I sighed too. I was an asshole.

“So does that mean he’s not going to come back anytime soon?” I asked, desperate for Louis to come back. I couldn’t stand knowing that he was still upset with what I had said and done. I wanted to apologise and make sure that he was okay. I know that he must have been so disappointed in me, not because I was a PI, but because I didn’t tell him, because I was going to kill Niall.

“Harry, don’t worry, okay? I’m sure he’ll listen to Niall, don’t worry. He’s probably on his way back now. And in case you haven’t realised, this is his house, technically, and not yours?” Zayn winked, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. He made sense again. Louis actually stormed out of his out of his house when he could have chased Zayn and me out.

“Thanks Zayn.” I was grateful to him.

“You’re welcome, Harry. Look, when he comes back, just make sure you tell him you’re sorry okay? I’m sure he’s already over it. After all, how long can he be upset for?” Zayn smiled sincerely.

“It’s only been an hour though, and it was a pretty serious argument,” I paused because I saw Zayn shooting me a glare, as though telling me to stop rebutting whatever he said. I laughed and raised my arms in defeat. “Okay okay, I’ll stop whining now, don’t have to get all fierce on me,” I joked and Zayn grinned.

“When Louis comes back I’m going to just excuse myself so that I don’t have to sit around and watch while you make up and get all lovey dovey,” Zayn made a disgusted face while I just chuckled.

And then the doorbell rang.

Wow, it couldn’t have been Lou right? But then again, it must have been him. Who else could it be?

I rushed to open the door, forgetting Zayn’s existence, and there he was, smiling sheepishly at me. A smile tugged at my lips at the sight of him and my eyes held his.

“Hi,” I breathed.


“I’m sorry, Lou.”

“Me too, Haz, I should have supported you instead of being such a selfish asshole.”

“No, I just said that because I was pissed. You aren’t a selfish asshole, I’m the one.”

Our replies were instant, and with every reply, we seemed to get closer and closer to each other.

“That’s true,” Louis replied cheekily and grinned.

And then our noses were touching, our eyes still locked. I knew what was coming next, and I smiled. Just as we closed in and his soft lips brushed against mine, we had to be interrupted. “Guys, save my eyes, please. I have to go look for Jordan and I can’t do it without my eyes. So please let me walk out of here with my sight now, please!” Zayn cried out dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and Louis just chuckled. I stepped aside for him to pass and leave the house. “Have fun!” He called out, on his way out, before turning around to wink and us. That cheeky bastard.

Louis pushed me gently back into the house and sat down on the couch. He turned on the television, and Mr. Bean was on. “Mr. Bean! I love him!” Louis exclaimed happily, as though he had forgotten what we were about to do. I pouted, and nuzzled my face into the nape of his neck. “Lou,” I whined.

“Yes Haz?” Louis was being a tease and I knew it. I knew that he knew I wanted to continue what we were doing before being so rudely interrupted by Zayn, but he was just being mean. If he wanted to do this, I could do even better.

I pressed kisses along the side of his neck and I heard his breath hitch a bit. I smirked and continued along his jaw line and stopped when our faces were level. He let out a little sigh of protest when I stopped. I looked at him, and saw that his eyes were closed. He really enjoyed it didn’t he? I smirked even harder.

He opened his eyes and looked straight at me. I didn’t know what it was in his eyes, but I’m pretty sure I saw something like want.

And then his hands were on either side of my face, pulling me towards him, taking me by surprise. Our lips were then pressed together; strong but yet still somewhat gentle and loving. It was a lot more different from the first two times. Those two were less confident, like we didn’t dare to go too far and ruin everything. But this time, it was sure, like we definitely knew what we wanted. And I’m sure we did.

It was overwhelming; the way his lips moved against mine, the way he’d gently flick his tongue over my lip. And then he slowly moved his tongue into my mouth. God, it was too much for me to take. I closed my eyes and clutched desperately at his hair, not wanting this to ever end. Louis moved his hands from my face and wound his arms around my neck. But soon our need for air broke us apart.

And when we broke apart, our eyes immediately locked again. My hands were still tangled in his soft, feathery hair. Louis just made me go insane, and I found it hard to control myself around him. Just because he existed, there was a reason for me to smile.

“I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone more than I’ve loved you,” I found myself speaking first, my voice barely a whisper, breaking the comfortable silence. Well it wasn’t really silent because I could hear laughter from Mr. Bean in the background, but I didn’t really pay much attention to it. Something (or someone) more important was just inches away from me.

“Neither have I, Haz, I love you so much,” Louis replied sincerely, and his eyes were shining with what seemed like nothing but the truth. Of course it was the truth.

“Me too, always will.”

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