Chapter Three

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“Please, Mr Clark! Give me another chance! I promise I won’t ever do it again! I really need this job!” I begged him desperately.

“Mr Styles, I’ve given you way too many chances. Every single time I give you another chance, you just wreck it for yourself. I’m sorry. I need someone who is professional,” he answered coldly. I shut my eyes tightly, thinking of what to say to convince him not to fire me.

“Bu-but, I-I really need this job! I’ll do a great job this time. Swift, cold and ruthless. I promise…” I tried again, hoping that he would forgive me one last time.

There was long, drawn-out silence, and then he sighed. “Okay then Mr Styles. I trust you. But, no more chances. You got it?” he said warningly. I nodded furiously, feeling really relieved. I thanked him profusely and quickly excused myself and went home. I could finally get a well deserved break. This week was really… action-packed. I sighed to myself.

When I got home, I immediately lay down on the couch, and turned on the television. I haven’t done this in a long time. Well, come to think of it, I haven’t done anything normal and relaxing in a long time, ever since I took up this job, this stupid job. I wish I could just, quit. But no, I can’t. Ugh, this is annoying.

The programs on TV were terrible. I just didn’t get all those cooking shows. I mean, who eats such fancily decorated food?! That’s just overdone, and way too weird. Whatever, I’ll just go to sleep…

Just as I was about to fall asleep, guess who had to pop into my head? Oh what a shock, it was Louis! You don’t say! Ugh, why did I keep thinking about him? I already feel guilty enough for shouting at him. Damn it. Go to sleep, Harry. He’s only someone you met. You’re probably never going to talk again.

Miraculously, I listened to my mind, and fell asleep.


It was finally my day off. I could take a break; have a whole day to myself. I decided to just walk around Concorde. As I walked around aimlessly, I suddenly felt like popping into Julia’s café for a cup of caramel macchiato. I haven’t been there in weeks. Not since… Ugh. Whatever.

I froze. Oh god, it couldn’t be… I mean, why would he be here, right? But, I couldn’t have recognized the wrong person. I wouldn’t ever.


I hurriedly turned around, wanting to escape from this place.

“Hey!” a voice called out.

Shit, I couldn’t escape anymore.

Unwillingly, I turned around, coming face to face with him. He looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t read. Was it sadness, or just him being normal? I couldn’t tell. I decided that I should pretend that I didn’t see him when I first walked in. That would make it better. At least he wouldn’t think that I was running away from him.

“Oh, uh, hey…”  I greeted him, adding a crooked smile at the end, hoping to take away the awkwardness of it all. He managed a forced smile back at me.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t really mean to… You know, yeah… I hope you’ll uh, forgive me?” he said softly. His voice was full of remorse and guilt. My heart melted. He didn’t need to be sorry at all, it wasn’t his fault. Seeing him so guilty somehow just made me feel worse. I paused for a moment, thinking of what to say.

“Hey, it’s alright. It wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so harsh to you,” I replied sincerely, smiling at him.

He smiled back. My heart sped up. Whoa, what was that for?

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