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Epilogue! :( The last thing we're ever gonna write for Falling... I WILL MISS IT D: (so will Paige)

I'm just being stupidly dramatic, but on another note. WE GOT TO 10K  READS WOW. That's a lot. So a huge thank you to everyone who's been reading all this while, and stayed until the end even though somtimes (i think) it may have gotten a bit draggy or boring.

And thanks for always commenting/voting/idk just reading because it makes us really happy after a shitty day at school or something anddd it motivates us to write, so yeah.


Enough of my rambling, so here you go!

(no there will not be a sequel but there will be two new stories!)



“Harry! Hurry up, will you?” The sun was shining mercilessly today, and I couldn't wait to get to the Frozen Ice to seek reprieve from its heat. 

Harry, however, seemed to have trouble counting out the correct amount of money to pay for the newspaper and the bottle of water we had stopped by the convenience store to get. I was almost tempted to shove his whole wallet at the shopkeeper and tell the man to keep the change. 

Finally, he seemed to find the right amount of coins and handed it over to the shopkeeper, turning back to me and grinning apologetically, the bottle of water held in an outstretched hand. I took it from him gratefully, taking a long drink as we made our way to the ice cream shop. 

I'd promised Joe I would be back today, for a celebration of sorts, and it would be the first time going back there since I got out of hospital from the accident. 

Speaking of the accident, everything was cleared up and solved now. Harry, Zayn, Niall and Jordan had gone to look for that man, Mr. Clark yesterday, and Harry and Zayn had returned assuring me that everything was fine now. 

Everything was returning to normal, I guess. 

We reached the Frozen Ice, and almost as if it was proof of the normalcy of the day, it was empty. Not a single soul in there. Not even Joe, despite the sign being flipped to 'Open'. I threw Harry a 'what did I tell you?' look, because he had insisted that Joe would be fine managing the place on his own, as he had been all this while.

I knew him better though. I bet he wouldn't be there, knowing that I would be back today. He had probably decided to slack off somewhere for half the day or something.

I pushed the door open, and a blast of too-cold air immediately hit me in the face, a reminder of how much things had not changed. At all.

Joe still thought the shop had a money tree growing right in the middle of it and it never stopped flourishing with notes to pay off the bills and costs of everything. Typical.

"Where is he?" Harry asked, taking the shop in with one sweeping glance. "I don't see him anywhere." 

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