Chapter Seven

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I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t for know how long exactly but it felt like hours. I kicked the covers off. I was tired of tossing and turning. If I can’t sleep, I might as well do something productive, right? I reached over to the bedside table and looked at the clock. The glowing red digital numbers stared right back at me. 2:47AM.

Forget productive. What could I possibly do at 2:47AM in the middle of the night? I fell back onto my bed, pulling the blanket over my head, sighing heavily. Maybe if I hid my face from the world, all the problems would be gone and the world would forget I existed. I could just be a bed for the rest of my life. If I can’t see it, it can’t see me either.

Oh how mature you are, Louis.

Today had gone terribly. Yesterday, rather.  I hadn’t meant to shout at Harry like that. But he had shouted right back, practically using your own words against you. That was the part of my mind trying to make me feel less guilty. But it wasn’t working because his words still rang in my head.

He’d told me I’d ruined his day, and his sleep.  

And it had hurt.


All I wanted to do was care for a friend, was that wrong? So maybe I shouldn’t be poking my nose into Harry’s business, but I didn’t realize I was overstepping any invisible line or boundary either.  And although some part of me still felt sore over his words, I couldn’t help but worry.

I knew it was such an ungodly time of the day, but I picked up my phone and typed in a quick text to him.

To: Harry

If your arm doesn’t get better, you really should go to the hospital, or at least see a doctor.

I probably sounded worse than his grandma. I had checked on him earlier on, and when he didn’t reply, I got so paranoid, that maybe he’d passed out or something, that I called him. And that was where he had started getting upset at me for whatever reason, although he denied it. I hit send anyway.

Now that I thought about it, Harry had only started to sound like that after he asked me about Niall, and whether we were going out. He seemed to bear some kind of a grudge against him, which was really weird since he didn’t even know Niall well. It all didn’t make sense.

I threw off the covers. I wasn’t going to lie here in bed thinking all day. I changed into some nicer clothes – stripes, as usual – and left the house, grabbing a carrot from the kitchen counter on my way out.

The streets were dark and eerily silent. I walked along slowly, taking in every little detail. It all looked so different at night. That lamp post outside the house I always saw now looked somewhat…intimidating. I knew it was an inanimate object. And this wasn’t ‘Night at the Museum’ or some other movie. But I should’ve known it would be this way. It was like, what, 3AM?

I wasn’t scared of the dark, or the silence or anything. I was just remembering what Harry had told me. “I uh, got attacked last night by a bunch of guys while I was walking on the street. They were drunk and the slashed me with a knife.”

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