Chapter Fifteen

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HIII. THIS CHAPTER SHALL BE DEDICATED TO LivexLovexLiam! Sorry for making you cry! Hahaha. We hope that what’s going to happen in this chapter makes up for it! 

We hope you enjoy this chapter! Please, more people, comment, we’re lonely. P: and we need encouragement! Thanks!


It’s been five days since Louis was in that car accident, and I have no idea how I lasted so long without seeing him smile or hearing his voice. I thought I would’ve died by now, not being able to see those clear blue eyes or his lips curving into a smile.

Absentmindedly, I walked into Louis’ room. I sat down on his bed. I could literally smell him on his sheets. He smelt nice. I opened his wardrobe and peered inside. There were at least fifty different striped shirts in there, and an array of suspenders matched with different coloured jeans. On one of the shelves, there were beanies laid out.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Puzzling, because I didn’t think Louis had any friends. He didn’t seem to interact with anyone else except Joe, Niall, and I. I rushed to the door and opened it, and I was greeted by a familiar head of blonde hair that belonged to Niall, obviously. He looked worn out, maybe it was jet lag.

But I suspect that it was more than that. It was probably because he found out that Louis was in an accident and was in a coma right then. I pitied Niall; he never seemed to be truly happy unless he was with Louis, and I could imagine how he must have felt when he heard that Louis was in a coma.

“Take me to the hospital now,” Niall said, his voice barely a whisper. It was obvious how devastated and worried he felt. And so we were off to the hospital.

When Niall walked into the ward, he froze. He just stood there and stared at Louis, who still looked as broken. He just lay there, motionless, with no sign of waking up at all. Niall stood there, and he began shaking. He literally stood there and began shaking. His small frame suddenly looked so fragile and vulnerable.

It was funny how Niall and I were like enemies but we were brought together because of Louis. I’m not going to say that this was one of the good things that came out of Louis’ accident, because nothing was better than Louis waking up, but I liked knowing that Niall and I were cool with each other now.

I rested my hand on his shoulder. “Hey, you okay? Don’t be too worried, I promise he’ll wake up… Now that you’re here, he will,” I whispered. I was making an empty promise, because I really had no idea when Louis was going to wake up. He would though, he wouldn’t leave me behind like that; he wouldn’t.

Niall nodded before walking to the chair by Louis’ bed. I could see the tears rolling down Niall’s face, and I felt my eyes well up too. I walked to the sofa where I had been sleeping almost every night since Louis was in that accident and sat down quietly. And suddenly Niall spoke.

“Hey Louis, wake up love, stop sleeping, it’s ten in the morning. Wake up you sleepy head, go get some food with me,” Niall said, and he laughed.

“Louis! Wake up! Stop sleeping, you’re so lazy!” He laughed again.

“Louis? Stop playing with me man, wake up, it’s not funny.” He sounded more desperate now.

“Louis, wake up, please, respond…” He was literally begging now. Before I knew it, he was up on his feet, shaking Louis. “Wake up Louis! Wake the fuck up, please! Stop it!” Niall was shouting now, and it must have alerted the nurses, because they came running in.

“Sir, please stop shaking him, you might hurt him,” one of the nurses said, while the other pulled Niall away. Niall was sobbing uncontrollably, and I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. I don’t know what drove me to do that, especially when we didn’t really talk before. I guess I just couldn’t bear to see him so upset.

“Niall, shh, calm down. Don’t worry. Please just stop crying okay? Louis will wake up soon. He won’t want to see you so upset, so stop crying alright? You’re making me sad too, don’t cry. Miracles do exist, Niall,” I whispered, but apparently I was quite loud, because the nurse who said that to me looked over and shot me a pitiful glance. I forced a smile back at her.

“Why don’t you take him to the cafeteria for some coffee? He looks absolutely exhausted,” the same nurse suggested while the others checked to see if Louis was okay. I hated seeing him so broken and… dead. If this was what Louis looked like when he slept, I never wanted to have to see him sleep.

I smiled at the nurse, grateful that she gave me that idea. Niall needed coffee, and maybe he’d be happier. I doubted it, but it was worth the try. And so I walked out of the room and headed to the cafeteria, turning around once in a while to check if Niall was behind me. He looked so dazed, and so unlike the cheeky blonde who thought I was hot.

I sat him down at a table before heading to buy us each a cup of cappuccino. When I got back, Niall was still as dazed as ever, and he was just randomly drawing circles on the table with his fingers. “Niall, have some coffee.”

He didn’t respond, and continued drawing circles on the table. “Niall? Are you okay?” That was a stupid thing to ask, because he was definitely not okay and he seemed to realize that my question was dumb too. And suddenly, he hit the table really hard and shouted.

“Of course I’m not okay, Harry! I knew Louis wasn’t going to wake up, but I still shook him like a madman, and I still talked to him as though he was just playing one of his tricks on me like he used to when we were in college! I need him to wake up, Harry, I need him. I can’t live without him, I can’t fucking live without him! I’m going to look for that asshole that knocked him down. I swear to god I’ll skin him alive for doing this to Louis, I swear.”

Niall’s eyes were filled with unreadable emotions, but the most obvious ones that I could pick out were anger and hatred. I never saw this side of Niall before, obviously, because he always seemed so cheerful. I understood how he was feeling now, because I felt the same, but I knew I had to be strong to make sure that I’d last until Louis woke up.

“Niall, don’t worry, I know how you feel, okay? Trust me; I want to kill that guy as much as you do. But for now, please just stay strong until Louis wakes up okay? He needs both of us by his side when he wakes up. He needs to know that we’re here for him. So just calm down for a bit, the police will find that bastard.” I said, motioning for him to speak softer because everyone was staring at us.

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