Chapter Six

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The bell on the door jangled as we walked out into the bright sunlight. I squinted, taking a while to get used to the light after being in that dimly lit shop for so long. It really did need better lighting. Not to mention some cleaning, it was pretty dusty as well. I rubbed my nose, feeling like I was about to sneeze.

“Ugh, I hate this feeling! I need to sneeze! ” I whined. Niall turned, from in front of me, an amused look on his face, and began to laugh. “It’s not funny! Maybe I should go back in there and breathe in more dust.” I grumbled.

“Oh alright, I’ll be nice. Let me help you then!” Niall grinned devilishly and started to dig in his pocket. I frowned. He must have something up his sleeve. I looked around at the still-empty street. This place had no human traffic at all. We had practically bought all the Pokemon figurines in the shop and now Niall had a bag full of them in his hands. We’d probably contributed significantly to the shop owner’s monthly income too.

“Louis! What are you looking at?!” Niall suddenly exclaimed. I turned back to face him, only to find him shoving something in my face. And then I sneezed. Now that feeling was gone. I smiled, happy. “What was that?” Niall held up a feather triumphantly, as if it was such a huge accomplishment to make me sneeze.

“A feather? You put a feather in my face?!” I stared at him disbelievingly. “I’m not even gonna ask you where you got that from because I don’t think I want to know.” I rubbed my nose again, now wondering what sort of dirt I had breathed in from that feather. It was probably picked up off the floor and it was previously on a bird, for goodness sake! A bird!

Niall shrugged, obviously trying to hide a smile. I could see it from the way his lips kept twitching and the twinkle in his eye. “Well I guess I just found it on the floor..?” My mouth fell open. I wanted to be angry with him but the hilarity of the situation just seemed to be too much. I spun on my heel, and walked away pretending to be angry. I must look like the biggest idiot now, with such a huge grin plastered across my face.

 “Louis! Where are you going?!” I heard footsteps behind me as Niall raced to catch up. “Look, I’m sorry okay! Come on, don’t get mad at me for that, it was just a feather! I promise you won’t catch a disease or anything!”

By now my face was starting to ache from smiling so much. I started to run, because I knew he would catch up with me soon, and I had to get that smile off my face. I don’t know why I liked pranking Niall like that. Maybe it was because I was always at the receiving end of his pranks, so I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.

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