Chapter Four

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I slumped down into the seat. So Harry just had to leave again. His phone call was that important, huh.

I tried not to show it when he was around, especially today, but sometimes I wondered if he really did want to be friends. After all, I was the one to ask for his number so we could stay in contact. Maybe he didn’t feel the same way. Ugh, sometimes I’m such a pessimist.

Think happy thoughts! Okay, well, we did have quite a good time chatting on the way here, and then he called me cute. That was awkward. Guys didn’t go around calling other guys cute. Oh wait a minute. Niall does that; he calls me cute all the time. Except…Niall was ga- oh god, no! Harry can’t be gay!

But then again, he didn’t seem to find it weird when I told him Niall thought he was hot. Maybe that was because he had guys telling him that all the time. I was quite sure they did that, along with throwing themselves at him.

What are you thinking, Louis! Suddenly those thoughts felt really wrong, like I was invading Harry’s personal space. Ugh.

Trying to get rid of those thoughts, I reached for my phone, checking if Niall had replied me from last night. 

Strange. There wasn’t a new notification or anything. It wasn’t like Niall to ignore me for as long as this. I sent him the message last night! Then I remembered how he looked like in the car before I got out.

Oh, no Louis, don’t overreact, just send him another text. I opened the conversation and felt a mix of emotions. First it was relief. What I had typed in yesterday night was still there, I just hadn’t sent it. I immediately hit send, and leaned back into the seat. 

Then came the guilt again as I ran over last night’s events. I’ve been feeling guilty a lot these days, I realize. Yet another blatant reminder that I needed to get back to doing normal things.  I actually cared more about that new message from Harry – someone whom I’m only just getting to know – more than I cared about my best friend.

The phone vibrated, and I quickly opened the message. I was going to reply to this for sure, and I was not going to get distracted.

From: Niall

Thanks loulou :) are you busy?


I could tell just from his message that Niall was feeling a lot better today, simply because he called me ‘loulou’. It had always been his special nickname for me, and as much as I didn’t like it, today it brought a smile to my face.

To: Niall
No. Do you want to meet up?

I really hoped that would make up for yesterday, and that he would say yes, since we didn’t actually have a proper conversation.

From: Niall

Okay, same place. See you in 15 minutes. ;)


Julia’s café again? I had the urge to reply Niall and say no, but I didn’t have the heart to do so.

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