Chapter Two

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“Uh, I saw a friend injured and I had to take him to the hospital?” I lied; trying to come up with an excuse for losing that guy I was “stalking”.

Mr Clark looked at me doubtfully. Damn it, he didn’t buy it. “Oh really now? When I hired you I was told that you would be professional, unfeeling, that you were careful and meticulous. Looks like I misunderstood huh?” he said sarcastically. I ignored him, trying to act like I was repentant, when I really was annoyed at him.  

Well, I guess it was my fault after all though. Or maybe it was his fault, the adorable one-legged duck’s fault. Ugh, why did he have to be so cute? Why did I have to care about him? I mean, I didn’t even know him! And now, because of my “helpfulness”, I’m stuck in this huge mess that could get me fired. Who actually helps someone on the street these days? There aren’t any saint-like people anymore. Well, I was an exception.

“Well, Mr Styles, seeing that you are repentant, I will give you another chance. But this time, do NOT lose the man. Got me?” he spoke in a warning tone. I nodded my head furiously, relieved that I was able to get off the hook this time. I wouldn’t be so lucky next time.

-Two weeks later, at Champs-Élysées

I was on still on the same mission, and I had to make sure that I didn’t lose him this time, because I was taking way too long to complete it. If I lost him, my head would be off my neck. Ouch. That wouldn’t be very nice. This time he was wearing a grey suit, and his blonde hair was styled up. He carried the same red umbrella, and once again I thought that it wouldn’t be easy to lose him. Well, better not speak too soon there. Look what happened the last time I did…

He walked really quickly, swerving in between groups of people, as though he was in a rush. As we walked up the street, we neared the Arc du Triomphe. It’s not that I was awed by it or anything, I mean, I’ve been to this place like a million times, although every time I visit this place, I’m on a mission.

Focus Harry, focus.

I made sure I kept my distance behind him, because he was smart, and I was afraid that he’d realize I was following him. If he did, once again, I would be doomed.

I kept him in my sight. Well, that was until someone tapped my shoulder. Instinctively, I turned around. Without even attempting to recognize who that person was, I quickly turned back, hoping that I wouldn’t lose sight of the man a second time.

“Shit!” I shouted. Everyone around me was looking at me. I didn’t care. I lost the man again! God, Styles, you are dead meat! Damn it! I was literally fuming at the man who tapped me. I was ready to throw whatever insults I had at him. Without even bothering to turn around to face him, I started to speak.

“I’m sorry, I don’t even know you, and you tapped me because? I don’t think that was very nice, because you distracted me from whatever I was doing. You made me lose a million dollar deal, just by tapping my shoulder. And really, I don’t understand why you had to. If I knew you, you could have called out my name, but then again I am pretty sure that I don’t –“I turned around and with my eyes, I shot daggers, swords, and sabers at him.

I was greeted by a pair of blue eyes that seemed to be filled with sadness. For some reason, at that time, I didn’t care about how upset who was. I only cared about how upset I was.

It was Louis.

“Hey…” said Louis softly. He seemed to be rather shocked at my behavior, and guilty. But obviously he didn’t know why I was upset, and obviously he didn’t know how to leave someone alone when he’s annoyed.

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