Chapter Five

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Finally, I was having a normal day. Normal hadn’t existed in my vocabulary for quite a few weeks already, and I was really, really, really glad it was back. Maybe it was because I’d disconnected myself from the world since I’d woken up. I had refused to turn on my phone. I mean, what if I woke up to messages from Harry or Niall? Nope, I refused to face it. I’d deal with it later.

Now I was slouched across the sofa, a bag of chips and a cup of water next to me, watching the first season of Glee. The tune of ‘Single Ladies’ was still in my head from a few scenes back.

Dad. I have something that I want to say. I'm glad that you're proud of me. But I don't want to lie anymore. Being a part of the Glee Club and football has really shown me that I can be anything, and what I am, is, I'm gay. 

I picked up the cup and took a sip of water. At those words however, I nearly choked. Damn it. What?! I had nothing against him being gay, really. But there would be an issue if I was gay. Now that was a weird thought, but it was true.

I tried to refocus my attention on the TV screen, and I watched as Kurt’s father started speaking.

I know. I've known since you were three. All you wanted for your birthday was a pair of sensible heels. I guess I'm not totally in love with the idea, but, if that's who you are, there's nothing I can do about it. And I love you just as much. Okay?


I nearly laughed at that. It was such a stereotypical portrayal of a gay character. A pair of sensible heels at three? It was consolation, although a little voice in the back of my head told me it wasn’t realistic and I was being silly and in denial. But I never wanted heels, so I couldn’t be gay. Yeah, no way.

 I reached my hand into the bag of chips again. I was going to get really fat, sitting here all day. Oh no. The bag was empty. I sighed. Bye-bye comfort food. Maybe it was time to get back in connection with the world.

I got off the sofa, and walked into my room, the floor cold against my bare feet. I turned on my phone, watching at it lit up and brought me to the home screen. Two missed called and four new messages. Not surprising, since after yesterday I had left in a hurry. I didn’t speak at all after what Niall told me. I just got out of the café and left him sitting there. It wasn’t very nice of me as a friend, but I didn’t know how to react. How would you react if someone of the same gender and you suddenly told you they liked you? Or maybe if they were in love with you?!

As expected, both missed calls were from Niall, three messages from him and one from Harry. What was my life becoming?

First message

From: Niall

Why won’t you pick up the phone?

Second message

From: Niall

I’m sorry about yesterday, but will you please pick up the phone? I really need to talk to you.

Third message

From: Harry
Are you going to give him an answer?

Fourth message

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